Welcome to today’s blog post where I share two Maggotkin of Nurgle Heroes I recently painted. I’ll also share paint recipes for a few of the prominent parts of these models.
Thanks to Games Workshop for sending over the Rotbringer Sorcerer for me to paint up. The Lord of Plagues I bought myself from my local Games Workshop for £10, what a bargain.
Maggotkin of Nurgle Rotbringer Sorcerer
Rotbringer Sorcerers are wizards who use corrupting spells allowing them to spew streams of slime over their enemies or afflicting them foul diseases. The model is armed with a Rotwood Staff and comes with a choice of heads. A hooded human head and a Rotfly head. I choose the Rotfly head because I liked the little insect arm and leg and wanted to really show my sorcerer has been blessed by Grandfather Nurgle with his daemonic gifts.
I had fun painting the Rotbringer Sorcerer. It allowed me to mix my Nurgle Daemon colour scheme with my Nurgle Mortal colour scheme.
Green Daemon Skin
- Elysian Green base coat
- Wash with 1 part Dark Angels Green Contrast + 7 parts Contrast Medium
- Area highlight Orruk Flesh
- Wide highlight Ogryn Camo
- Edge highlight Ionrach Skin
Purple cloth
- Daemonette Hide base coat
- Druchii Violet wash
- Warpfiend Grey highlights
Rusty weapons
- Squig Orange base
- Troll Slayer Orange stipple
- Doombull Brown stipple
- Rhinox Hide stipple
- Fire Dragon Bright dots in recesses
Maggotkin of Nurgle Lord of Plagues
Armed with a Plague-ridden Great Blade a Lord of Plagues lead their revolting warbands swinging their rusty, filth-encrusted axes. The model is basic compared to many newer plastic heroes and doesn’t include any options. Funnily enough, the sprue includes a square base, a throwback to Warhammer Fantasy battle game system.
When it came to deciding a paint scheme for my mortal Maggotkin, I wanted a fleshy skin full of life but corrupted by disease. I also wanted to a disgusting colour for the armour and after wracking my mind for a colour I’d seen that made me feel sick, I went for baby poop brown. Fellow Dad’s on nappy duty will understand this.
Baby Poop Brown Armour
- Balor Brown base coat
- Nazdreg Yellow wash
- Balor Brown layer
- Zamesi Desert wide highlights
- Morghast Bone edge highlight
- Line gaps ad recesses with Gore-grunta Fur
Virulent Skin
- Kislev Flesh basecoat
- Bugman’s Glow + Contrast Medium wash
- Kislev Flesh highlights
- Flayed One Flesh fine highlights
- Reikland Fleshshade around the sores
- Paint spots and sores with White Scar
- Wash spots with Nazdreg Yellow
- Highlight spots with Flash Gitz Yellow
- Paint open wounds with Flesh Tearers Red
- Wash open wounds and around open wounds with Druchii Violet thinned with Contrast Medium
- Paint fine pin highlights of white on gore and spots
Check back next week when I share my Nurgle Daemons.
Next on the paint desk is this grinning plague bearer. Painted a lot of different things recently but Maggotkin seems to be drawing my attention. #warmongers #warhammercommunity. pic.twitter.com/Ewd47BrkHh
— Garfy (@Garfytwit) February 27, 2022
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