Hi heretics! I have a cheeky double post for you today, Black Stone Fortress progress AND a new leader for my Wordbearers army, say whaaat.
I really love this sculpt, it is so menacing and has such a big presence on the board in comparison to a regular chaos marine. It also has such a good combination of chaos design features, topknot, fur, tattered cape, awesome thunder hammer etc. I guess I would have liked to see less of these weird fleshy pipes, but honestly, I know it is just my colour scheme that makes them so apparent. I was thinking of painting him as Black Legion, but he was too cool to not recruit to my 40k army as well.
I am really happy with some of the blends, especially on the lower legs. As detailed as this model is, it was nice to see some big flat surface areas to practise on. I really think I need to paint something simpler with less features now, this guy seemed to be on my paint desk for ages.
Ok so let’s talk about basing. I am a bit of a stickler for coherency with my bases. All my Black Stone Fortress minis are on my own take of the box art basing, while all of my Wordbeaers are on a scorched urban type base. I just would not be able to play a game of 40k with my Lord of all people on a weird obsidian base and vice-versa with BSF. Even thinking about it is making me feel annoyed! I knew I had to be able to switch between the two so I ended up deciding to magnetise the base/feet. Leaving the peg in the back foot, and using on a magnet on the front gives a nice bit of extra stability and I am yet to lose the base when moving the model or pulling it out from my travel case.
So there you go, my dual purpose Chaos Lord. As always, thank you for reading and I will catch you on the next one.
Space Shrimp
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