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Well now sports fans, what a season it’s been! We’ve seen broken bones, black eyes and missing limbs… and that’s just in the Necrofunk changing rooms. It’s been an exciting run for all teams and it’s my pleasure to share with you the final lineup for the Bugman’s Bouncers…

I’ve had a brief chat with some of the other painters about how we all felt Tale Of Tuesdays was for each of us and I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say it was a great change of pace and a lot of fun to add a little humour to the mix. But for me personally, this was also my first foray into an almost timed event, having to complete a team by an allotted time meant I had to prioritise my painting and quicken my pace which for a relatively new painter has been a challenge.

I feel very proud of the overall aesthetic of the team and have even gone to the effort of producing a logo for them as well, you might say I’ve grown a tad attached to these beardy beauties. I’ve learnt a lot painting these guys, especially the hair and beards which I hadn’t come across in the mini world so far (mainly scales and fur)

I hope you all enjoy these as much as I did painting them and once again thanks for following our journey here!

You can join us on the pitch by sharing your work on social media platforms (twitter, Instagram or facebook) using the hashtags:

#taleoftuesdays #taleofpainters #paintyourgames

Make sure your account is public (in case of facebook, set your #taleoftuesdays posts to public).

We want to engage with all our fellow coaches, so we’ll have an eye on these hashtags and stop by for comments and criticism. Every now and then we also feature your finished players here on Tale of Painters.

From all of your teams that were painted during Tale of Tuesdays, we pick our favourite team to win a Wayland Games or Element Games voucher to the amount of a plastic Blood Bowl team box so you can start painting another team right away.

We hope to see a lot of cool Blood Bowl teams painted! Until next Tuesday…