Here are two additions to my growing Goliath Gang for Necromunda: a Stimmer with a pair of Assault Grenade Launchers and a Forge-Born with a Stormwelder. Check out the post for more pictures.

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So far I painted ten models for my Goliath Gang, eight of them regular Gangers, and two classic Juves (Bullys). The Stimmer and Forge-Born add some more variation.

Goliath Stimmer for Necromunda, painted by Stahly

The Stimmer is a really cool model with very grotesque proportions. He towers even over a Primaris Marine, but the only thing not pumped up is his head. All muscle, no brains. I’m really happy with the green liquid cables that pump drugs into his swollen body. Anyone fancy a tutorial for that?

Goliath Forge-Born for Necromunda, painted by Stahly

The female Forge-Born adds some much needed chromosomes XX to the gang. I really love that the modern Necromunda range has much more gender representation than the old range, and I’d love to see a resin expansion set for more female Goliath Bruisers / Gangers like in the Necromunda PC game.

Goliath Stimmer and Forge-Born for Necromunda

Hope you enjoyed a look at my new Goliath models. Check out this post for all my paint recipes and stay tuned, I’ve recorded all steps for painting the Forge-Born and will soon be able to share a detailed tutorial for my Goliath paint scheme here on Tale of Painters.

Leave a comment or reaction below, I love to see what you think about my latest creations.