My gaming days are behind me. I must have played four games of 5th edition and only one game of 6th edition so far. I do buy the rulebooks and read them but I still need your help ironing out the creases of my army list. More after the jump.
This list is made up from models I already own and models from the Necron megaforce. When I used to game with my Tyranids I always went for as many different units as possible. The amount of games I won because my opponents couldn’t cope with the target selection. It was also about teaming units up to maximise benefits and this is something I want to do with this army. There is no fun in maxing out on a certain type of unit just to win games. I need the diversity to make painting and gaming fun.
Catacomb Command Barge
This is my unit HQ. I have no idea what to equip him with, so I’ll have a closer look at the options later. I’m open to suggestions if you guys have any.
Triarch Stalker – twin linked Heavy Gauss Cannon.
I’m ditching the heat ray for the twin linked Heavy Gauss Cannon. It should be quite reliable being twin linked. It’s got a higher strength and longer range then the Heat Ray. The Stalker is a walker so I can move around and shoot, making this an effective tank hunter which is safe from enemy small arms fire.
9 Necron Warriors (one model from existing collection)
9 Necron Warriors (one model from existing collection)
9 Necron Warriors (one model from existing collection)
9 Necron Warriors (nine models from existing collection)
I’ve taken the megaforce’s twenty four Necron Warriors and split them into three units of eight to paint. I already own twelve painted warriors, so the plan is to combine to make four squads of nine.
10 Necron Immortals (five models from existing collection) – Tesla Carbines
I really want to build these as Deathmarks, but five Deathmarks won’t be very effective. I already own 5 painted Immortals, and the thought of expanding this unit to 10 with Tesla Carbines. That should see some nice extra hits and make the unit more effective.
3 Tomb Blades – Particle Beamers, Shield Vanes
3 Tomb Blades – Particle Beamers, Shield Vanes
These two units will work in concert together. A total of six strength 6 blasts will tear through hordes, and the speed of the jetbikes will allow me to get behind vehicles and and attack rear armour. Splitting the unit creates an extra target for the enemy to deal with and it allows me split up and create problems for the enemy. The shield vans bump the armour save up to 3+.
6 Canoptek Scarabs bases
These bases are beasts, so they move fast coupled with their entropic strike special rule they will be great at softening up vehicles. Being fearless they won’t run from a fight so I could use them to tie down an expensive unit for a turn or two.
Canoptek Spyder – twin linked Particle Beamer
With the upgrade this monstrous creature comes in at 75pts. It’s relentless so can move and shoot, has the hammer of wrath and smash close combat rules so is useful charging small or weakened units or even light vehicles. However I don’t want to rely on it’s close combat abilities so I’ve given it a strength 6 blast weapon which is twin linked. The Spyder’s best trick though is generating a scarab base when scarabs are within 6″ at the start of the movement phase. I think this will only work for turns one and turn, because the scarabs are beasts and much fast then the Spyder.
Doomsday Arc
Strength 9, AP1, large blast… need I say more? it will make a mess of the enemy’s most elite units and vehicles. I will need to use cover and maybe a unit of Necron Warriors to protect this model because it will draw a lot of attention.
Doomscythe (from existing collection)
This unit will be on antiaircraft and anti tank detail. It will first target units that pose a massive threat to my Doomsday Arc.
Necron Defence Lines – Quad Gun
I’m going to scratch build this battlefield terrain upgrade. Foamcore and plasticard and maybe the spare weapons from the Tomb Blades. Should help out against enemy flyers.
Total points is just over 1800pts so I have some points to upgrade my Overlord and maybe add some Crypteks made from conversions of left over bits. Clever use of Crypteks will give my units some upgrades. I like Veil of Darkness which will allow me to redeploy immediately using deep strike. Very handy because my list lacks transports.
I’d really appreciate any advice from Necron players or people that have fought Necrons.
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@Strange Lamp, it have read many many commments about the Deathmark and Cryptek combo, however it wasnt until I read yours tonight that it actually sank in the potential of it…. thanks for posting this I am away to rejig army lists lol.
No worries, just started playing a few games ago myself. Mind you it is so over-powered I wouldn't recommend pulling it out to often in friendly games to ensure you still have mates to play with. In a tourney (once I finally play one) would take this every time.
I play a modified list from the link below. This guy has the best Necron I've seen on the web and would recomment both you and Garfy take a good look and see how it can be modified for your own army. Link is:
Apologies, seem to missed several linking words in my post. It should actually read:
No worries, just started playing this combo a few games ago myself. Mind you it is so over-powered I wouldn't recommend pulling it out to often in friendly games to ensure you still have mates to play with. In a tourney (once I finally play one) would take this every time.
I play a modified list from the link below. This guy has the best Necron List I've seen on the web and would recomment both you and Garfy take a good look and see how it can be modified for your own army. Link is:
Garfy, I've been playing Necrons since 6th Ed came out and would recommend 5 deathmarks over 5 immortals. Add a despairtek to the unit and change the Doomscythe for a nightscythe as their transport. The despairtek can benefit from the Marked for Death rule, meaning you have a S8 AP1 template that wounds on a 2+. In the nightscythe the deathmarks becomes a precision strike unit that will take out almost any other unit in the game. Mind you, after the first attack they normally get wiped out as your will direct lots of firepower their way. To be really beardy, put two despairteks in the one deathmark unit…
Immortals are good, but better taken as a 10-man unit.
Also agree with Kraggi to switch out the catacomb barge for an annihilation. Unless your overlord is fully kitted he dies too easy on the barge.
Anytime Garfy, I run a blog over at The Varcan Cluster, havent been posting as much as I would have liked, but I am really enjoying my Necrons at the moment. The main problem I have is being outranged by the enemy, and thats because I dont use Doomsday Arks or a Heavy Gauss Cannon (if I am remembering its range correctly).
Back on your army though the other advantage of the Night scythe is turn 2 in the relic you can drop Necrons on top of it, and then just fall them back towards your lines.
If you ever get into Ghost Arks, then my advice would always be to have at least one unmounted Necron warrior unit within 6" to benefit from the regen it gives them, in larger games I tend to run 2 x Ghost Arks, and a 15 Warrior Squad with a Night Scythe. If I keep the Squad on the table i try to keep it in range of both Arks, and if the enemy has something that can wipe it out in a turn then I keep it in the Night scythe.
I have found that against Drop Pod lists (which seem more and more common now) a necron force witha Stalker or two doesnt mind things dropping in because of all the firepower we get at 12". If any of its twinlinked then even DW terminator sqauds are vanishing.
D'oh had forgoetten about the Spyder being a Heavy.
A night scythe works better in my opinion, because as hard hitting as it may be you get one turn to deal with the Quad gun if there is one, and if you dont then your Doom Scythe can die as it arrives, also if you are forced to jink and save it, you then can't fire your Deathray.
The night scythe also lets you drop a unit of warriors upto 24" into the board and they can still shoot normally, so it s a good way to deal with tanks that are creeping forward or low armour squads.
It also gets to do this before the quad gun gets to shoot, so you can always place them, and then make the opponent have more choices of what to shoot at.
The other boost from the Night Sycthe / Annhilation barge combo over a Catacomb Command Barge / Doom Scythe is you end up 70 points better off.
With regards to your Lord, if you put in him with a unit in the Night scythe then he is pretty good at anti tank with a Warscythe. I typically run him, Mindshackle Scarabs, Warscythe & Sempiternal Weave, releatively cheap, and still scary to big gribblies like Dreadknights / MC's. Although the Phase Shifter is probably a better investment than the Sempiternal weave against MC's just in case they pass that leadership test.
Kraggi, you are my new best friend! THank you so much for the helpful advice (:
Garfy, this is a good video for how to magnetise the barge to keep both options open:
I have 3 heavy support choices at the moment, so I can't take an annihilation barge. Would it be worth taking a lord on foot, an annihilation barge and making my doom scythe a night scythe for added transport? That might be better. I guess i have to decide if I can lose such a heavy hitting weapon for a more anti light infantry/light vehicles but gain some transport… tricky?
I guess you need to buy more Ghost Ark/Night Scythe kits 😉
Necron Lord – Catacomb command barge, this would perhaps be more useful as an Annhilation Barge as it works well as anti flyer / infantry & light armour. They are also cheap and draw a lot of firepower.
Tomb Stalker – I am looking at running this guy with the extra range, but for me they are always the first priority for my enemy to kill, in a lot of senses you are more bothered about this guy hitting a unit with his weapon than actually damaging it as it makes everyones weapons twinlinked for that phase. I tend to find the basic heat ray works well, 2 shots, or a flamer template, you sacrifice range (which is a pain), but then have the ability to kill armour and infantry.
Tomb Blades – Two units are a good idea, but with First blood being something to be aware of units of three are a bit fragile, although with the 3+ save and the jink of 5+ when they move they are quite durable. These are my some of my favourite models so seeing people using them is always good!
Doomsday Ark I like, but as it generally doesnt move and doesnt have the jink when stationary I have decided against, however all the uses you listed are pretty good. It will work well against Hordes as it is a large blast if not moving.
Overall I think it will be an interesting list to play as.
Using the models I have I could not build the doomsday arc and build a ghost arc instead and/or I could turn my Doomscythe into a Nightscythe transport. Plus I want to use a cryptek with veil of darkness to move a unit around.
If I ditch the doom scythe and doomsday arc then I lose two of my biggest guns?
Cool but may I suggest you will need dome transports for your warriors they are slow and although tough will not allow you to be able to compete for objectives without them. Another good tip is to take another doomsday ark, they are devastating against everything, they mess up any space marine players, they obliterate guardsmen and they are the arch enemy of any deathwing army the only thing they are not so effective against are Orks and Tyranids since there are so many of them.