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Today I’m glad to present you my recently finished Dark Eldar Haemonculus. It’s a stunning sculpt and I was happy to finally add it to my collection. More pictures after the jump.

The model is quite a challenge to put together. Everything is so flimsy and delicate. I managed to lose a piece of the left shoulder that was connected to his flesh skirt. I don’t know exactly how I did it, maybe it was already missing in the clampack. Either way, I had to resculpt the missing piece. Thankfully it’s not too noticable in the completed model.

Painting-wise I followed my own Dark Eldar tutorial closely, which is my rendition of the Kabal of the Last Hatred. I glazed some of the skin patches with Lahmian Medium thinned Reikland Fleshshade and Carroburg Crimson to create some subtle differences on the skirt.

The sore red of his spine was created with several glazes of Carroburg Crimson, then layers of P3 Midlund Flesh, Ryn Flesh and VGC Pale Skin each mixed with P3 Sanguine Highlight. I’m really happy with the effect and pleased that I went the extra mile.

How do you like my Haemonculus? Tell me in the comments.