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Legolas in plastic is an awesome model. A joy to paint! Whilst the detail is small, it is crisp and with care and attention reasonably easy to paint. More pictures after the jump (over the log).

The hardest part to paint were the eyes. I used a Windsor and Newton series 7 brush that Stahly bought me and kit made it more accurate and easier. I’m a complete convert to these brushes. Stahly also paints his eyes first and then paints the skin tone around the eyes. I do them the more traditional way of painting the face first and then painting the eye. To paint the eyes, I paint a horizontal black line, then a horizontal white line over the black line. Finally a small black dot in the middle of the white line for the pupil. Gets easier with practice. I did both of Legolas’ eyes on the first attempt. 

I can’t have a Hobbit post without mentioning the incredible Smaug model. Only 200 were cast for the pre-Christmas run and all of these were gone pretty fast last night. People who missed out will not be able to get one until the new year now (when the next batch will be complete). 

So, did I get one? Will there be Smaug WIP posts leading to Smaug tutorials? I’m pleased to say yes! I did manage to get one and I will be documenting the whole process in extreme detail. Remember my Thunderhawk project. Smaug, will be the same. 

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay