Review: Ironjawz Tuskboss on Maw-grunta, Ardboyz, Weirdbrute Wrekkaz & Brute Ragerz
WAAAGH! Review! New Ironjawz! Tuskboss on Maw-grunta, also builds Maw-grunta with Hakkin’ Krew or Maw-grunta Gouger! Ardboyz! Weirdbrute Wrekkaz and Brute Ragerz dual kit! Free Battletome expansion download! Waaaagh!!!
Showcase: Ironjawz Orruk Brutes by Forest
Hey party people! Forest here. It’s time to get mean and green again, the biggest boys left their homes to pillage yours. If you wanna get to know them and find out why they always travel with a spare head, read more after the jump….
Showcase: Ironjawz ‘Ardboyz for Warcry by Forest
Hey party people! It’s Forest again. This time I bring you the most party hardened animals in the universe – the old Black Orcs! If you wanna find out why I bothered painting these ancient miniatures, read more after the jump. I wanted to paint…
Tutorial: How to paint Goff Orks / Ironjawz / Blood Bowl The Gauged Eye
Here is a detailed tutorial for painting Blood Bowl Orcs in a classic Goff Klan inspired paint scheme. This tutorial is applicable to all sorts of greenskins: Goff Orks (obviously), Ironjawz, Greenskinz, Gloomspite Gitz… I aimed for a nice compromise between speed and quality and…
Showcase: Orruk Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz, and Greenskinz Heroes by Jörg
Welcome back for my final Orruk blog post! This time I want to focus on the heroes of my green tide. The first Orruk I painted for Age of Sigmar was the Ironjawz Megaboss. When it was released, Games Workshop started their series of monthly…
Showcase: Orruk Boarboys and Goregruntas by Jörg
Hey there, Jörg the Orruk painter is back. After last week’s look at infantry, today I want to share some work on one of the greatest ideas Orcs and Orruks could ever have: climbing on the back of a wild boar and somehow steer it…
WIP: Age of Sigmar Ironjawz Brutes
Hey all, to start the new year off I have begun painting some Orruk Brutes. I have had these models laying around since last autumn. It was one of those many impulse buys that ended up in a large pile of GW boxes that I…
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