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So yeah, this is it. After some weeks of painting, this big beastie is finally done (except for a healthy dose of varnish). As always with big models, they don’t sport my best painting – I can handle smaller models better which allow me a better brush control. And when I look at it, I feel the skin is too flat and pale, which, when I look back, is probably a problem through all my Skaven models. If I would start anew, I would definately paint my Skaven with some more vivid colours. But too late now, and when lined up alltogether, they don’t look half bad.
I will take better pictures once the Abomination is varnished, probably sometimes later next week. Until then, what do you think of the model as it is finished now?
What’s your Reaction?
Stahly hails from Craftworld Germany and has been involved with Warhammer since childhood. He has painted several armies and countless warbands and Kill Teams over the decades, and founded Tale of Painters in 2011. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's testing the latest paints, tools and kits with German precision and a no non-sense attitude.
Don't worry so much about the skin colour, the model's great! Crisp clean shadows and highlights, a SUITABLY pale hue. The whole army will certainly look great!
Well done! Love the way you painted the warpstone. looks very Green Lantern-/ comic-greenish to me 🙂
Großes Kino!
I know what you mean: biggies aren't my favorite either. I just finished an Arachnarok Spider, and I fouund out that you have to look for those parts where you can feel AS IF you are painting a small model. With big surfaces, that poses a challenge, but in this Abomination model, there is plenty of opportunity for that…and you did a great job! I agree: the skin is a bit pale, but if your entire army is pale (which is a really cool sight!) this model fits in perfectly. Cheers!
As I´ve said before, awesome job…
I think you worry too much about the colour of the skin. I´m saying that as somebody who really undertsand, I know that feeling :-))). Maybe it doesnt look the way you desire, but it doesn´t mean it is not great.
My congratulation for finished models.
Thanks guys, great to hear you like it!
hell yeah! so clean , i love it!!
Very nice Stahly, good job 🙂 x
Soory for my poor english because I'm french.
I never wrote a comment but I visite your web site very often since 1 year.
And what to say obout your work… Awesome!!!
I like so much your paint style. Simple, colored and very impressive!
Can you show us all your skaven army with this last figurine?
thx for your work and see you soon!
Looks great! It has been fun seeing it develop over the past few weeks.
Simply put… flawless.
wow, finished model is simply amazing.