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Hey everyone! Silvernome here, getting back to my main army: Death Guard! If you’ve been following my Death Guard force at all, yep, I already had one Myphitic Blighthauler. But to get ready for 9th edition, I wanted to increase my fast-attack slots. As with my Foetid drones, I wanted to increase my single hauler to a trio as well, plus the haulers get a perk for being in a group of three!

Picked up two more of these easy-to-build kits and went to work. As I mentioned in prior posts, I can’t have additions of a similar unit look alike – so I went through and made a few changes. The two new drones I clipped a tooth from each and on the one, I really wanted to try an exposed track look which I really love how it turned out. Will definitely be doing that if I pick up any new ones.

As with my bloat-drones, I haven’t been a fan of was my airbrushed red lens on their “eyes”. So I went through and gave them glossy black eyes (very buggy) too and updated my original hauler to match.

As with all my showcases, I’ve also taken a 4K video showcase look at these drones as well:

If you like this model and want to see more, you can check out my site or follow my gaming group’s Instagram.