Want to add cinematic effects to your miniatures? Check out the 3D-printed muzzle-flashes by Tablehammer.com, an upstarting 3D printing company based in Germany. Find out more after the jump.

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Tablehammer.com was founded in 2020 and as of now, they are selling sprues of bolter, melta, plasma, and ion flashes, each with ten muzzle flashes (or twelve in case of the bolter set). You can buy physical 3D prints or digital STL files.

3D-printed muzzle-flashes by Tablehammer.com

These items were kindly provided by Tablehammer. Opinions are our own.


Tablehammer sent me a variety of boltweapon flashes. The first sample sprue contains muzzle-flashes in three sizes, the smallest size is perfect for firstborn bolters and Primaris heavy boltpistols, the medium size works very well for boltrifles, and the large size is meant for heavy bolters, onslaught cannons, or autocannons.

The second sprue has muzzle-flashes for double-barreled weapons such as stormbolters in three distinct shapes. So far, only the basic bolter flashes are available on Tablehammer.com, the other designs will probably show up soon.

Primaris Reiver with muzzle-flash by Tablehammer.com

Here you can see a small size muzzle-flash on a Reiver’s heavy boltpistol. Looks pretty cool, eh? Let me know in the comments if you are interested in a painting tutorial.

The flashes aren’t resin casts but come straight from a 3D printer. The printing resolution is fantastic, none of the typical 3D printing layers or patterns are visible, and with a coat of primer, the finish is very smooth.

Apart from projectile-based flashes, I really like the plasma, melta, and ion muzzle-flashes. There are some other companies who do cinematic effect pieces compatible with Warhammer miniatures, but I can’t remember having seen melta and ion flashes before.


As of now, Tablehammer ships to the EU only, with free shipping over 35 Euro. A sprue with 10/12 effect pieces is 4.98 Euro, digital STL files are available for 9.98 Euro to download. For a small company with great product quality, I think this is reasonable, and being able to buy the STL file is a nice touch for those with a 3D printing setup. Check out Tablehammer’s range on their web store here. Also follow Tablehammer on Instagram for cool conversions, giveaways, and new product ideas.



  • Super-high resolution 3D prints
  • Also melta, plasma, and ion muzzle-flashes available


  • EU shipping only
  • Range is a bit limited as of now

Final Verdict

Tablehammer is a small company that offers a variety of muzzle-flashes for the weaponry of the far future. The prints are of high quality and the limited range should expand soon.