Long-time readers might remember this Marine. He was part of a Starter paint set that my wife Jo and I reviewed back in April 2012. I stumbled upon him the other day and I thought it wouldn’t take much to bring that old paint job in line with my current Dark Angel army. All I had to do was repaint the armour, eyes and base. Took about an hour in total and gives me that small burst of that feel good feeling of hobby achievement. I know Stahly is undertaking a mammoth repaint of his Ultramarines, but how about you? Would you consider repainting and updating your old miniatures? Tell me in the comments .
News just in; Garfy’s Get-a-Grip model holders are back in stock. Get yours here.
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It is a conversation that I got with some people at my painting club. Keeping some models untouched once finished is a good way to know if you are improving or if your work quality is steady. I tend to keep the one that qualified for "milestone minis" untouched and the others that I rushed or have no feelings for the job that I did will be repainted in a near future.
I'm currently repainting my Chaos Dwarfs (I had rushed them for a campaign weekender, and they didn't turn out great) with the special AoS bases and everything.
There's nothing like fully finishing a miniature to boost your hobby mojo…
Even if it's one you "finished" before.