Hey all, today I bring quite a large group of Dark Elves Executioners. These guys are from the same army as the Cold Ones that I showed a few days ago. I will try and get up some more posts with the various different units that I did as I thought they turned out quite nice, even though it was exhausting to paint. For these ones I choose to paint golden masks instead of the standard bone masks. I’m a real big fan of the film 300 and these guys reminded me of the Immortals. The banner is also hand painted rather than using a transfer, its something I’m tending to do more and more recently. Any of you fans of the film 300?
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These came out really nicely. Dark and gritty but with really shiny golds. I'm pleased you did the golds shiny, it really helps to show their status as elite troops. Excellent.
Loved 300! Have you seen Rise of a Nation? Excellent as well, but I tend towards the first one. Its funny as soon as I read "gold masks" I too thought of the immortals before I read on. That was pretty neat. Absolutely spectacular paint job, and I commend you for your ability to paint in such numbers. i simply cant do it. Good thing i am a collector and not a player!
Ye, but that represents the God of War I always thought 😀
Thats one brutal paint job, I can't take paining the same things more than once 😀
It was painful to paint 🙂
Oh sweet sweet pain! Please sir, may I have another! 😀
Beautifully done
Do you realize that the symbol on the banner is the rune for an Eldar Avatar? Lol 🙂
Aww Stahly I'm confused now 🙂 The person I painted them for, asked for the symbol of Khaine on the banner. Which symbol is the symbol of Khaine that I should be using. Strange thing is the customer was pretty happy with it. But I guess if its wrong I can repaint another flag. Which is painful as this took forever to do 🙂
I thought this was the symbol of Khaine in Fantasy: http://www.coolminiornot.com/pics/pics5/img3f5685ec4bafd.jpg
TEN, you're actually right – that is the symbol of Khaine, just only in 40k. Sorry!
Painful as that took a long time to paint:) Guess I'll contact the guy it went to and see if he wants another banner painted to swap over.