Showcase: Lumineth Realm-Lords Hurakan Windchargers from Helon
Riding across the planes of Hysh, riding side saddle and knocking arrows back. Here is a showcase of my recently finished Hurakan Windchargers. The best Roos in the game.
Showcase: Warcry Fomoroid Crusher
Smashing through from the Eight Points this week is my take on the Fomoroid Crusher for Warcry. An overall amazing kit with a ton of options and bits. Reminding us that the word Ogre isn't a synonym for a green swamp dwelling creature with Scottish...
Showcase: Lumineth Realm-Lords Sevireth, Lord of the Seventh Wind
The Lumineth army grows! This time with Sevireth, Lord of the Seventh Wind. Mr. Foxy Fox himself. He is a amazing model, and also a great way to loose friends.
Showcase: Lumineth Realm-Lords Hurakan Windmage
Finished another piece of my Lumineth collection, and what better place to show it off then here at Tale of Painters.
Showcase: Lumineth-Realm Lords Ellania and Ellathor, Eclipsian Warsages of Iliatha
The traveling twins, Teclis and Tyrion's chosen, and a real pain to paint.
Showcase: Lumineth Realm-Lords Myari’s Purifiers
I really love the idea of the Warhammer Underworlds Warbands. They offer such cool look into design options for miniatures that might not have a place in the main game of Age of Sigmar. Myari's Purifiers are no different. At the time of their release...
Showcase: Lumineth Realm-Lords Scinari Calligrave
Today I wanted to show off the newest edition to my collection of elves from Hysh; the Scinari Calligrave.
Showcase: Lumineth Realm-Lords Archmage Teclis and Celennar, Spirit of Hysh
Hey Everyone, wanted to share my version of the king of the t-pose. Teclis and his buddy Celennar from my Lumineth Realm-Lords army.
Showcase: Seraphon Kroxigors
Time to showcase some of my slowly growing Seraphon Army! This time we are taking a look at models with a face only a mother (and me) could love; the Kroxigors!
Showcase: Soulblight Gravelords Skeleton Warriors
Soulblight Gravelords is my dream army. I have epic dreams of legions of skeleton warriors dying only to rise up again and continue the march. There is a special place in my heart for these minis being that they are the first set I every...
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