I’ve painted an Awakened Wyldwood from the Warcry Souldrain Forest set in a pink “cherry tree” paint scheme. Now I know why Games Workshop dubbed this kit as soul draining, because these trees are probably the least enjoyable models I’ve assembled and painted in a long time. Or, like ever. Anyways, check out the pictures of the finished set.
I painted these Wyldwoods to compliment my Eldar collection. I imagine you could find these trees on a long-forgotten Aeldari maiden world that my warhost tries to reclaim. Unlike Garfy’s Wyldwoods, I chose pink leaves like cherry or sakura trees, to add some exotic flair and contrast for the turquoise armour of my Craftworld Iybraesil. The bases were painted in the same way as the bases of my Aeldari models, with a brown muddy texture, sandstone rocks, and pale dried out static grass.
Cleaning and assembling was such a chore. The amount of branches is sheer endless, ten for each tree, so repetitive. Originally I planned to paint the branches on the sprue, but as there were so many contact points that would have been needed to be removed once painted, I decided to remove and clean the branches first. I lined them all up on long pieces of thick cardboard and mounted them with blue-tac on their contact points, then sprayed them with Corax White so I could wash the leaves with Volupus Pink thinned with Contrast Medium, then drybrush them with Formula P3 Carnal Pink. I’ve recorded all painting steps for a tutorial that will hit the blog soon, so stay tuned!

How dou you like my Awakaned Wyldwood? Did you paint a set of these trees, too, and was your experience as unpleasent as mine? Tell me in the comment section below for a therapy session 😉
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[…] model was a lot of fun, I finished him in late December after I painted my Howling Banshees and Awakened Wyldwood. Both of these sets were were time-consuming, so painting just a small little character model was a […]