Hey Everyone, wanted to share my version of the king of the t-pose. Teclis and his buddy Celennar from my Lumineth Realm-Lords army.

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Archmage Teclis and Celennar, Spirit of Hysh

Starting on one of these centrepiece models always feels a little intimidating to me. They stand over a million miles tall, have a million pieces and feel a little impossible to paint. Therefore starting with sub-assemblies can assist with digesting the massive amount of detail on these models. It also helps me with finishing a project by giving me smaller obtainable goals. As for Teclis, I broke this model up into 6 individual sub-assemblies that I thought I would share here if you are planning on painting up the best spell dom ever.

Here are some images of how I broke down the model

The first part of the model I started working on was the base. Because once that was finished I could start glueing sections of Celennar directly onto it once they were complete. This became a great staging area to build up the model as I was able to complete sections as I went, I stayed motivated to continue the project which took me a little over 2 weeks to finish.

I started Celennar by pinning his two back feet. Once the time came for final assembly I used the pins again to add more stability to the model. Taking the sphinx off the base really helps with getting around those huge wings, and underneath the torso. Next I kept Celennar’s necklace(collar?choker?idk) removed from the model until I was ready for final assembly. This allowed separate airbrushing of his body, and the other pieces without worrying about masking over overspray.

Celennar, Sprit of Hysh

For Teclis himself, I put a pin right between his legs, this pin hole is fairly small, and is concealed by its placement. Teclis can’t really stand up by himself, therefore placing the pin here really helps with having a way to hold him because without that support my clumsy meat claws would get in the way. All of the Lumineth can be fairly delicate because of the amount of tassels, and ribbons that are flowing off of them which can make them scary to paint sometimes. I drilled another pin into the base of the cape which was due by where the cape connects into the wing of Celennar.

I hope that helps if you planning on building your own mage god. In conclusion it’s a great model that breaks up easier than expected. Please comment below or leave a reaction and let me know what you think! Im always super stoked to get comments here and talk about elves or modeling, or whatever you got on that hobby table.