Today’s post marks the beginning of a month long project of building and painting my first Spearhead for the new edition of Age of Sigmar. Every week, I’ll paint a new unit and add it to the collection. First up, it’s the Stormcast Eternals Liberators. Stay around until the end of this post where I share my painting guide for Sigmar’s bulwark troops.

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Models were kindly sent to me by Games Workshop. My thoughts and opinions are my own.

First up, what’s a Spearhead? Well, Age of Sigmar is a huge war-game played on battlefields with actual miniatures. The learning curve is steep (some may say convoluted) and Spearhead looks to do away with all but the most necessary elements to play. You don’t need to learn how to write an army list as all factions have fixed lists. You don’t need to learn advanced rules as you only use the Core Rules + the Spearhead faction rules (check out Stahly’s review of the Core Book and Fire & Jade expansion book here). You don’t need to buy loads of boxes of models, as the factions each have their own Spearhead box (some are called Vanguard, whilst they wait for new boxes). Age of Sigmar Skaventide launch box and the new Age of Sigmar Ultimate Starterset all include complete Spearhead armies. I’ll be painting up the Spearhead from Skaventide.

My new version of Hallowed Knights Stormcast colour scheme.

Starting a new army can be daunting, but I advise to always painting a test mini or two. I painted a Knight-Vexillor recently as a test and I was pretty happy with it. The only thing I changed was a drybrush of Runefang Steel after the Tyran Blue wash for the armour. This light dry brush really helped with toning down the blue tinge to the armour. I’ve updated my recipe card below.

Once you have a test mini that you’re pleased with and you’ve written down your own recipe, it’s time to start painting the army. I actually built the entire Spearhead army and undercoated it all at once. Then using an airbrush I base coated every model at once. This huge batch paint is huge time saver. After this, I was free to pick a unit and get started, I choose 5 Liberators and I batch painted all 5 at the same time. I managed to finish these in the first week easily.

Check in next week, when I’ll share the next unit from my Vigilant Brotherhood Spearhead.

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