The Vermindoom is imminent, so it’s best to quickly learn how to paint Skaven before the grey, unpainted tide overwhelms us! In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to quickly and effectively get your Clanrats from Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Skaventide to a battle-ready standard using a Slapchop-inspired technique, and then take them to the next level with additional highlights and details.

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This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the fundamental techniques of painting Warhammer miniatures. I will guide you step-by-step through the paints and techniques I utilized. Since my paint collection is quite varied, I will offer suitable alternatives from the current Citadel paint range [in brackets] whenever I use a paint that is not from Games Workshop or is out of production. However, if your goal is to replicate the exact outcome displayed, I suggest expanding your paint collection.

You’ll find a list of all the paints used in this tutorial at the end of the post.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly

How to paint Skaven Clanrats

Slapchop-style zenithal basecoating

To prepare the models, I use a combination of a zenithal airbrush basecoat, finishing with drybrushing only for the final step for a smoother result. If you don’t have an airbrush, feel free to create a dark to light gradient purely by drybrushing, true to the classic Slaphop technique.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 1

Prime the model with the black primer of your choice, I used black primer from Vallejo.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 2

Basecoat the model with Two Thin Coats Eidolon Grey [or Skavenblight Dinge]. I used an airbrush for this but you can do it with a brush as well.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 3

Apply a zenithal highlight of Warpaints Air Yeti White [or Corax White or a similar white grey], holding the airbrush at about 45 degrees to create a natural gradient.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 4

Paint the texture of the base with Pro Acryl Warm Grey [or Dawnstone or any medium grey].

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 5

Pick out the rocks with Corax White [or Vallejo Model Color White Grey].

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 6

Gently drybrush the model and base with Vallejo Game Color Dead White [or White Scar] to bring out the sharpest details. I recommend a large synthetic drybrush with a domed head for this, I love Chronicle’s Techlon Tiger brushes (review here).

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 7

Create a 1:1 mix of Strong Tone and Dark Tone wash [or Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade] and add a drop of Scale 75 Dispel Magic medium [or Contrast Medium or Lahmian Medium]. Apply this mix all over the base.

Blocking in the colours

With the preparations done, I use various Contrast-style paints to quickly and easily bring the model up to a battle-ready standard.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 8

Give the fleshy parts two coats of Speedpaint Crusader Skin [or Reikland Fleshshade, or a single coat of Guilliman Flesh].

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 9

Paint all the areas covered with fur with a 1:1 mix of Black Legion and Speedpaint Gravelord Grey [or Basilicanum Grey].

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 10

Layer the robes with two coats of Green Stuff World Dipping Ink Green Shark Skin [or Nighthaunt Gloom].

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How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 11

Wash the robes with Drakenhof Nightshade. Wipe away excess paint with a clean brush from the flat areas to avoid pooling.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 12

Apply two layers of Briar Queen Chill to the hood.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 13

Wash the hood with a 1:1 mix of Vallejo Xpress Color Starship Steel [or Gryph-charger Grey] and Contrast Medium. Again, take care to remove excess paint with a clean brush from the flat areas.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 14

Give all the warpstone details a layer of Karandras Green.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 15

Pick out all the leather bits with a coat of VXP Mahogany [or Gore-grunta Fur].

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 16

Apply a coat of Instant Color Dead Flesh [or Wyldwood thinned with Contrast Medium] to the wooden pieces. Avoid going over the areas left dark from the zenithal basecoat, as Dead Flesh is quite opaque.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 17

To add some natural variation to the wood, pick out a few panels with a thin coat of Pro Acryl Brown wash, more like a glaze.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 18

Wash the teeth and claws with a coat of Speedpaint Bony Matter.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 19

Paint the chainmail with Vallejo Mecha Color Steel [or Iron Hands Steel].

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 20

Basecoat the steel with Vallejo Mecha Color Dark Steel [or Leadbelcher].

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 21

Wash the chainmail and steel with Nuln Oil.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 22

Basecoat the armour with Two Thin Coats Steampunk Copper [or Balthasar Gold].

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 23

Wash the armour with Targor Rageshade.

At this point, the model is battle-ready; you just need to paint the base and perhaps pick out the eyes and teeth. Scroll down to steps 33 to 38 for details.

To make your ratmen horde look even more rag-tag (rat-tag?), you might want to mix in a few more colour variations for the fur and clothing. The perfect reference for this is my “one coat” paint comparison chart:

5-in-1 One Coat paint comparison chart banner 2.0

This hand-painted swatch is available in my Patreon shop for a small donation (or by becoming an Autarch tier member). I also have swatches for Citadel, Vallejo Game and Model Color, Warpaints Fanatic, AK 3rd Gen and more – all cross-compatible with each other so you can compare colours across different brands. Check out my shop for details.

Adding extra highlights and details

From here, I’ll elevate the battle-ready Clanrats to Parade standard. You can decide how much time you’d like to invest. You might choose to follow my tutorial from start to finish, or focus only on focus points like skin, fur, eyes, and teeth, or perhaps just add some weathering to the metals. It’s entirely up to you.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 24

Highlight the edges and sharpest folds of the dark petrol clothes with AK 3rd Gen Dark Blue Grey [or mix Dark Reaper with Celestra Grey].

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 25

Apply an even finer highlight of Vallejo Model Color Medium Grey Blue. Also highlight the light blue cloth with this colour.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 26

Apply an even finer highlight of VMC Pale Grey Blue to the light blue clothes only.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 27

Next, highlight the grey fur. Use Pro Acryl Dark Warm Grey [or Skavenblight Dinge] for the areas left dark by the zenithal undershading (or just leave them dark if they are not visible anyway). For the upward-facing light areas, use Pro Acryl Warm Grey [or mix Skavenblight Dinge with Pallid Wych Flesh], and if necessary, a mix of PA Dark Warm Grey and PA Warm Grey for the transitions.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 28

Highlight the tips of the sculpted tufts of hair on the fur by mixing some Two Thin Coats Ivory Tusk in PA Warm Grey [or add more Pallid Wych Flesh to your previous Skavenblight Dinge mix].

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 29

For the fleshy parts, we use a similar approach as with the fur. Use Pro Acryl Shadow Flesh [or Bugman’s Glow] for the areas left dark by the zenithal undershading. For the upward-facing light areas, use Warpaints Fanatic Barbarian Flesh [or Cadian Flesh], and if necessary, a mix of PA Shadow Flesh Grey and WPF Barbarian Flesh for the transitions.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 30

Basecoat the nose and ears with WPF Barbarian Flesh [or Cadian Flesh]. Then, mix in a little bit of Pro Acryl Dark Warm Grey [or Skavenblight Dinge] and use this mix to create a gradient, blending the fleshy parts into the fur.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 31

Wash the inner of the ears with a coat of Speedpaint Crusader Skin [or Reikland Fleshshade]

Painting the eyes and teeth

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 32

Thin Volupus Pink about 1:1 with Contrast Medium. Glaze the tip of the nose, the knuckles, the inner of the ears, and about two third of the tail. Use a clean brush wetted with a bit of Contrast Medium to feather out the glaze on the tail. Once dry, glaze the last third of the tail one more time to create a gradient.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 33

Paint the eye sockets with VGC Scarlet Red [or Khorne Red].

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 34

Layer the eyeball with VMC Vermilion [or Evil Sunz Scarlet].

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 35

Add a small dot of AK Dead Red [or Pink Horror] for a highlight.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 36

Layer the teeth and claws with TTC Griffon Claw [or Rakarth Flesh], leaving the recesses dark.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 37

Highlight the teeth and claws with TTC Ivory Tusk [or Pallid Wych Flesh with a little bit of Rakarth Flesh added].

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 38

Add little dots of VGC Dead White [or White Scar] to the tips of the teeth and claws.

Leather, warpstone, and wood

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 39

Highlight the leather with TTC Fur Cloak [or Tuskgor Fur]. Make the lines irregular and add some scratches to add some texture.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 40

Apply a finer highlight and finer scratches with TT Combat Rumble Skin [or Ratskin Flesh].

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 41

Highlight the warpstone with VGC Scorpy Green [or Moot Green mixed with a little bit of Dorn Yellow].

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 42

Apply an even finer highlight of Reaper Master Series Dungeon Slime [or Moot Green mixed with more Dorn Yellow].

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 43

Mix 3 parts of VMC White Grey [or Corax White] with 1 part of Instant Color Dead Flesh and use this mix to highlight the light, upward-facing wooden parts.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 44

Edge highlight the bandages and wrappings with VMC White Grey [or Corax White].

Weathering the metals

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 45

Thin VXP Mahogany [or Gore-grunta Fur] about 2:1 with Contrast Medium and use this mix to recess shade the steel and chainmail to build up rust.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 46

Apply a second recess shade of TTC Iron Oxide [or Troll Slayer Orange thinned with Contrast Medium]. Make sure to leave some of the Mahogany from the previous step visible.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 47

Create a wash by thinning VGC Scurvy Green [or Kabalite Green] about 1:1 with Contrast Medium and apply it into the recesses of the copper armour for a verdigris effect.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 48

Add more depth to the recess shading by applying TTC Verdigris [or Nihilakh Oxide]. Make sure to leave some of Scurvy Green visible.

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 49

Edge highlight the copper armour with TTC Battle Axe Brass [or Retributor Armour].

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 50

Edge highlight the steel with Vallejo Mecha Color Dark Steel [or Leadbelcher].

Finishing touches

How to paint Skaventide Clanrats tutorial by Stahly, step 51

Paint the trim of the base with Warpaints Fanatic Matt Black [or Abaddon Black].

At this point, I checked the model for any mistakes I missed and corrected them. Then I added my custom mix of black, dark and light brown static grass, but you can also find similar dark brown tufts from a variety of brands. Finally, I varnished the model with my custom mix of ultra matt and matt varnish, if you don’t have an airbrush I can recommend Mr Topcoat Premium Flat (you can find a list of more of my matt varnish recommendations here).

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Skaven Clanrat from Skaventide painted by Stahly

And here is the finished Clanrat. Its misty-coloured clothing might suggest an allegiance to Clan Eshin, or perhaps it hails from Ulgu, the Realm of Shadow. Alternatively, you could choose other colours for the clothing, such as Flesh Tearers Red for the striking red of Clan Verminus. Painting this model to a battle-ready standard took about half an hour (not counting drying time). Adding all the highlights was about an hour longer, but you could easily bring this down with batch-painting.

Paints you will need for this tutorial:

AK 3rd Gen

Citadel (Games Workshop)

Two Thin Coats

Pro Acryl

The Army Painter



Has my tutorial inspired you to start a Skaven collection, yes-yes? Then feel free to use our affiliate link to expand your collection:

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Hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If so, leave a comment or reaction below, and if you got any questions, leave them here so I can answer them for you.