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Hey guys, another quick update of my Necron army with some Deathmarks.
I have ten in total that I will be using transported by some flyers. As I remember these models are a real pain to put together with the positioning of the arms to the torso’s. It was quite a tough operation as far as GW models go. But once put together I really love these guys. They have a very sinister feel about them. As with the Immortals I posted up a few days ago I am going to go back and retouch the guns with some deeper shades of green to highlight the effect more. On a different note I picked up the new Blood Bowl game yesterday and am totally blown away with how nice it is. Did any of you pick up Blood Bowl?
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Death marks look great. I also really like the way you do your bases (not just the necrons) – the colours and materials always seem very realistic. Do you have a basing tutorial anywhere, or would you consider doing one?
Hope Chris wont mind me dropping this here – it's a TEN base tutorial from a little while back. Very well done.
Thanks, that's exactly what I was hoping for! 🙂
Thats a good looking squad 🙂