In this ToP Tip series, I share my best paint recipes on a regular basis. In today’s post, I brought three painting guides for painting armour: golden armour, bone, and the deep red of the Blood Angels.
1. Golden (power) armour
Perfect not only for Sisters of Battle but also Adeptus Custodes, Stormcast Eternals, and… the new Inquisitor Coteaz model. This bright golden recipe is fast to paint and looks striking at an arm-length.
Colours used – and their closest matches from the Citadel Colour range in [brackets]:
- Warpaints Air Greedy Gold [or Retributor Armour]
- Citadel Reikland Fleshshade
- Warpaints Fanatic Greedy Gold [or Retributor Armour]
- Pro Acryl Bright Gold [or Retributor Armour mixed with Stormhost Silver]
- Citadel Guilliman Flesh
- Vallejo Model Air Steel [or Stormhost Silver]
If you want to add these colours to your collection, a click on the links will take you to one of our partner shops.
I also have a free tutorial for painting Sister Tariana Palos, check it out here:
2. Deep red Blood Angels armour
For this Space Marine Hero character sculpt, I went for the classic technique of painting power armour – basecoat, recess shade, and two layers of edge highlights. This Blood Angels recipe uses only Citadel paints, as Mephiston Red is my most favourite medium red paint ever.
Colours used:
- Citadel Mephiston Red
- Citadel Cygor Brown (Contrast)
- Citadel Evil Sunz Scarlet
- Citadel Jokaero Orange
If you want to add these colours to your collection, a click on the links will take you to one of our partner shops.

3. Howling Banshee bone armour
I always get a lot of questions about the bone parts of my Aeldari collection. I’ve using this bone recipe, which is actually more of a warm grey, since I started my Craftworld Iybraesil collection. I also adopted it for my Howling Banshees of Ulthwé (more pictures here).
Colours used – and their closest matches from the Citadel Colour range in [brackets]:
- Citadel Rakarth Flesh
- Citadel Wyldwood (Contrast) or Two Thinned Coats Scorched Earth [or Dryad Bark]
- Reaper Master Series Polished Bone [or Rakarth Flesh mixed with White Scar]
- Vallejo Game Color Dead White [or White Scar]
If you need to expand your paint collection, check out our 🇬🇧/🇪🇺 partner stores Wayland Games, Element Games, and Firestorm Games, at 🇩🇪 Taschengelddieb and PK-Pro, and at 🇺🇸 Noble Knight Games, which all offer an amazing range of paints and hobby products at a discount. Using our links helps to support Tale of Painters at no additional cost to you, so thank you very much for using them!
Let me know if these recipes have helped or inspired you in the comments section below or post your results on our friendly Warhammer hobby Discord server.
Leave a reaction, feel free to tell me what you’d like to see in more recipes, and until next time, happy hobbying 🙂
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