Having finished my Spearhead in my last Stormcast post, I turned my brush to painting a few more units from the Skaventide launch set. In this post, I’ll share photos of my Lord-Terminos, Knight-Questor and 5 Liberators. I’ll also share paint recipe guide, so you can paint your Hallowed Knights the same way.

Models were kindly sent to me by Games Workshop. My thoughts and opinion are my own.
It falls to the Lord-Terminos to execute those Stormcast who willingly choose to end their existence. It’s euthanisia for Stormcast who have been reforged so many times they’re just a husk with no personality or memory of their former selves. No one knows what happens to the souls of these lost warriors, does Sigmar continue to horde them, or do they finally make their way to Nagash?

Liberators form the Core of the Warrior Chambers. Sigmar’s solid line of super human soldiers who have the strength to wield enormous war hammers effortlessly. Sent forth to liberate the mortal realms agains those who choose to stand against Sigmar.

The Knight-Questor is a solitary figure, with no warriors under their command, they are hand picked by Sigmar to complete missions of the utmost importance. Securing relics, or slaying enemy warlords no task is beneath a Knight-Questor. Armed with a Warblade and a flaming torch the Knight Questor explores the darkest corners of the Mortal Realms.

I really enjoyed adding these models to my collection. The sculpt of the stoic Lord-Terminos is an instant classic and whilst I love it, I think the Knight-Questor is my favourite. I would love a warband for him to lead, perhaps a Wizard, Aelve and Durdin to join him as he explores a catacomb and gets over run by Skaven and Orruks.
How to Paint the Lord-Vigilant on Gryph Stalker
I’ve painted a few models now for my Hallowed Knights, and I’m comfortable with the scheme now. I kept all the models off of their bases, so I could find it easier to paint the inside the of the capes. The Lord-Terminos’ cape was able to be left off, so I could base coat it white separately that made it a little easier. I decided to paint the Knight-Questor’s cape burgundy instead of white. I thought this was a subtle way of differentiating the ranks between Knights and Lords. I’ll keep this going with future models.

The guide for my Lord-Vigilant covers 99% of what you need for the models I’ve shared in this post. I think it’s just skin and hair that I’ve not covered. The skin is Kislev Flesh base coat, Reikland Fleshshade wash and Flayed One Flesh highlights. The Knight-Questor’s hair is Zamesi Desert base coat, Seraphim Sepia wash and Screaming Skull edge highlights.
I only have the Reclusians from Skaventide left to paint now, so I need to start thinking about what I really want to add to the army next. I think I need a big centrepiece like a Lord Vigilant on Morrgryph or a Stormreach Portal (check out Stahly’s review of the kit here). I also really like the new heavy cavalry, the Stormstrike Palladors (review here). I could see myself adding some of those. It’s an exciting time to be a Stormcast player that’s for sure!
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I love your style so much I’m doing my whole Skaventide stormcast half like this!!
What’s your technique for the basing? Which kind of tufts are those?
Outstanding, this is great. The individual paint jobs are first class, really bring these amazing sculpts to life, really like the colours and vibrancy, and then to finish with the cinematic photo. Quality.
Thanks mate 🙂