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Hey all, today I bring the new Forge World Cor’Bax Utterblight Daemon Prince that I finished last week. I really like this model a lot, especially his smiling face. I tried to keep the paint job in the same style as my other Nurgle models. I used Vallejo Olive Drab as a base coat, then I worked other green and flesh tones into the mix. I also used a large variety of both oil and acrylic washes. Overall I really like how he turned out and hope Forge World will be releasing more Nurgle goodness. Would any of you like to see more Nurgle models from Forge World?
ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
I tried my best to make him look nasty. He is a nasty model!!
I really like this paintjob! When I saw this model at the FW-site it looked kind of humorous with it's smile but you've really managed to make it look scary and menacing, I think it's in large part thanks to the scary eyes!
Hey, thanks guys for the cool comments. Ksusha will be posting videos at some point soon. We are just currently building a new PC to handle large amounts of editing as our current PC and Mac are falling apart. C
Absolutely amazing model and paint job. I hope you will be posting more videos of your work online.
Amazing job. There's such a wide range of colors on there but they all work and flow together nicely.
Love it!
Oh my goodness he's repulsive! (Of course this is good as it's Nurgle :p )