Today’s post is a celebration! Woohoo! I’ve completed the Stormcast Eternals half of the Skaventide launch set by painting my Reclusians to completion. In this post, I’ll share photos of my Reclusians and Memorians. I’ll also share an army pic of my Hallowed Knights collection so far.

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Models were kindly sent to me by Games Workshop. My thoughts and opinion are my own.

The Reclusians’ personalities have been eroded by numerous Reforgings over centuries of service to Sigmar, they are his purest warriors from the Ruination chambers and their humanity is non-existent. They are extremely resistant to Chaos because souls have been repeatedly cleansed by lightning, allowing them to battle Chaos where no other servant of Sigmar could hope to survive.

Hallowed Knights Reclusian with Memorians

Human Memorians assist the Reclusians in battle, not with combat skills or physical prowess but by writing down and journaling their epic deeds. When the time comes for another inevitable reforging and their memories wiped, the Memorians can fill in the blanks.

The level of detail on this unit is incredible, their essentially 3 Character-level sculpts with all the additional chains, trinkets and scrolls, This air-of-authority is further reinforced by the robes and capes they wear. This made the models very difficult to paint, luckily, I didn’t glue the models to their bases and instead I drilled into their feet and glued straightened paper clips into the holes, which I then pushed into a cork. The models were now hovering about 20mm above the cork which allowed me to easily paint the undersides of the capes.

My Hallowed Knights collection so far.

My Reclusians are the latest models added to my Hallowed Knights collection. The collection so far is just the Skaventide Launch set Stormcast half with an additional Knight Vexilor and a Gryph-hound (both were test models).

The beginnings of my Hallowed Knight project.

When I think back to my Knight Vexillor test model, Games Workshop had just announced new models to replace Ruination Chamber models like Liberators as well as breaking the news that Sacrosanct Chamber models would be retired. This was devastating because the models aren’t that old, but I’m happy I got over it and started this new Hallowed Knights army, you see the alternative was to cry about it online and say I’m going to boycott the new models, what would that have achieved? Instead I’ve had an absolute blast painting up my new army. You see, with age (I’m 43) comes experience and new models replacing old models is nothing new to me. I’ve had numerous Space Marine armies (including 4 Blood Angels armies in 4 decades) so painting a new Stormhost was always going to happen. Give it another 7 to 10 years and I’m sure I’ll be painting my 3rd Stormcast Eternals army.

Right back to the Blood Angels for a bit, I’m trying to get to 2000pts.

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