Hi everyone! Back here once again with a single miniature. This time it’s a test model for a Necron Warrior based on the Sautekh Dynasty scheme. Recently I’ve been trying ‘Eavy Metal painter Paul Norton’s method for painting metal and the results are awesome so I thought I would try it on a Necron warrior.
Time was spent more on the glass flayer as I didn’t want the clear green tube to show. I used the front cover of the necron codex as inspiration for painting the lightning effects on the gauss flayer. It actually took me to tries but eventually I got there. I really like the end result of the mini which is much quicker and faster to paint then what I’m use to doing. Hope you all like it!
Until my next post have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone! have a joyful time and stay safe!
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That gun looks great. May have to redo my Kill Team like that. Thanks for posting
Thanks Stahly!
Base coat is Ironbreaker. I then shaded the mini with 1:1 Nuln Oil gloss and Nuln Oil. After that some of the joints and the lower parts of the legs were shaded again with Seraphim Serpia, no highlighting. I think if you wanted more control you can dilute Nuln Oil mixture with some Lahmia Medium. Hope that helps
It sure helped me. Thanks!
Looks great! The gauss blaster effect is top notch.
So the metal is washed with a mix of Nuln Oil and Nuln Oil gloss before you added brown washes? What is the ration you used for mix? Did you highlight the metal?