Sigur is a full-time professional painter and founder of Battle Brush Studios.
As a passionate wargamer he champions variety in miniature gaming, be it figuress, rules sets or hobby supplies. His collection includes a variety of scales, historical periods and settings, such as Space Orks, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Dark Elves, Ancient Persians, Thirty Years War, Napoleonics, WW2 and much more.
Showcase: A lot of Space Orks
That’s another batch of Goffs done and dusted for Orktober! This basically is the specialists batch. Kommandoz, Tank Hunterz, plus a handful (well, 30 plus Nob) of Sluggaz. With all the additional equipment and big guns on the tank hunterz, these were a fair bit...
Showcase: Space Ork Slugga Boyz
‘More Slugga boyz, you say? Sure, I could do with those.’ – every Goff warboss ever. ..and so I painted some more, along with a big Nob. A big old whirlwind of boots, teeth, exotic smells, choppy and bludgeon-y bits. Possibly at this point the...
Showcase: Space Orks Tank Hunterz
Buncha Tank Hunterz! Again, Goffs, again, for that big army I’ve been working on. Again, wonderfully built and converted by Mr.X, I just slapped some paint on. As with the Kommandoz, or even more so, there’s a lot of kit on these chaps. I just...
Showcase: Space Ork Kommandos
Buncha Kommandoz! These are for the Goff army I’ve been working on in several batches since late 2017. Excellently fun miniatures, these. As always with this project, I didn’t build the minis myself. They were lovingly built and converted by the gentleman who I’m painting...
Event Report: Tabletop Knights Gaming Day 2019
Saturday, April 13th saw the 2019 instalment of Tabletop Knights’ Games Day! And I was there to tell the tale… I’d already attended last year and was really happy to be invited back. It means quite a drive, but it’s a really cool event with...
WIP: Inquisitor Eisenhorn
A quick WIP shot of another Inquisitor Eisenhorn. At this point he’s mostly done, but needs some final smoothing out of things and so on. To distract from all these little problems I used a fancy backdrop. 😛 Note the slightly different colouring on the...
Showcase: Goff Orks Army
…and that’s it! After the little intermission caused by spookyscary little critters, it’s Orks Army Shot Time(tm). Or rather batch shot time. The first batch was a whole lot of Slugga Boyz and some Nobz, now here’s a (large) bunch of Shoota boyz and a...
Showcase: Ork Shoota Boyz Mob
Right, since we had a look at the Warboss, the Nobz, and the Oddboyz, let’s have a look at dem Boyz themselves. I already did a whole lot of Sluggaz for this army, now it was time to add some Shoota boyz. Here’s a sample...
Chat: Sigur’s 2018 Recap Pt.2
Welcome to Part 2 of my recap of 2018 in which I will reminisce about shows I attended, terrain and the upcoming year. The Year in Shows As is tradition my show year started with Austrian Salute. Always a good time, and a great get-together...
Chat: Sigur’s Recap of 2018 #1
After having skipped last year’s recap I’m back to the format with a 2-parter. So what has happened this year? The Year in Painting and Modelling I started the year with a project of my own, for our yet-to-materialize Hordes of the Things campaign using...
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