Sigur is a full-time professional painter and founder of Battle Brush Studios.
As a passionate wargamer he champions variety in miniature gaming, be it figuress, rules sets or hobby supplies. His collection includes a variety of scales, historical periods and settings, such as Space Orks, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Dark Elves, Ancient Persians, Thirty Years War, Napoleonics, WW2 and much more.
Showcase: Heroquest Chaos Warriors and Fimir
Here come the Heavies of Heroquest, the Dealers of Damage, the Clenchers of Fists – it’s the Chaos Warriors and Fimir. The former of course are classics and very familiar to anybody who ever dipped a toe into the sweet lake of Games Workshop. Fimir...
Showcase: Heroquest Orcs & Goblins
Back to Heroquest! Starting with some of the most iconic Orcs and Goblins figures anyone could think of. Painting Heroquest is always good fun. These figures are clear, cast cleanly, and very much reduced to the important bits. Just brilliant stuff. 😀 Hope you like...
Showcase: The Yncarne, Avatar of Ynnead
Here’s the Yncarne, completing the trio of people who had their I and Y on theyr keiboard swytched. Talk about a complicated figure. 😀 But it’s really impressive how the parts fit together. Dry-fitting and lots of planning how to put it together so it...
Showcase: Yvraine, Emissary of Ynnead
After a little intermission, we got the next member of the Triumvirate of Ynnead – Yvraine. A darned impressive figure isn’t it. And for us old people GW got out the Gyrinx because they like to throw in bits to make old people happy, don’t...
Showcase: Heroquest Undead
It’s spooky season, so we’ll take a break from other things and gasp at the spooky dudes who snuck in! Quite obviously skeleton warriors, zombies and mummies. They’re from a Heroquest set I painted recently. Painting them was good fun. Well cast, simple figures, not...
Showcase: The Visarch, Sword of Ynnead
Heyhey, a while ago I got to paint the Triumvirate of Ynnead. Here’s the first of them, the Visarch. Very impressive (and big) figures. The figures are supposed to go with a Harlequin army I painted earlier. The colour scheme has a decidedly Bavarian bent,...
Showcase: Blood Bowl Reikland Reavers Star Players
Right, here we got a whole lotta legendary star players! From left to right: Helmut Wulf, Griff Oberwald, Morg’n’Thorg, The Mighty Zug, and Karla von Kill. Really nice Forgeworld figures there. Here we got the whole team all together now, along with game tokens: …and...
Showcase: Blood Bowl Reikland Reavers
Hi, friends. It’s summer, isn’t it. So it’s time to do the sporty activities, which for me is painting sporty people. It’s the good old Reikland Reavers. A classic. Straight out of the box, with the exception of a few figures having been replaced by...
Showcase: Ork Looterz
Greetings, humans. Hope you’re well. Today I’d like to show you a bunch of Looterz. As usual with this army I have to point out that I didn’t convert these myself. I just get to paint them. 🙂 …which also allows me to praise the...
Showcase: Ork Stormboyz
Reet, that’s the Stormboyz. Proper bigmob of 64 figures I painted, and here’s some close-up shots of the indiviual figures’ fronts and backs. As with the Gretchins I’ll post the full photo series on the Battle Brush Studios site. Painting these chaps was kind of...
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