Sigur is a full-time professional painter and founder of Battle Brush Studios.
As a passionate wargamer he champions variety in miniature gaming, be it figuress, rules sets or hobby supplies. His collection includes a variety of scales, historical periods and settings, such as Space Orks, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Dark Elves, Ancient Persians, Thirty Years War, Napoleonics, WW2 and much more.
Review: Dreadfleet (Part 3 – Playing the Game)
After cleaning and putting together the pieces (and a lot of painting) me and a bunch of friends sat down to try the game out last night. First, some general info in how the game plays: As the description on GW’s website says, the game...
WIP: Halloween 2011 project
In this picture you can see the start of my (probably schedule-shattering) Halloween project for 2011. I was inspired to do it because I spotted this little leaflet at my local GW store when I went there for ordering Dreadfleet (expect updates on that soon...
Showcase: Urban Terrain
Hey, just a quick one here: A little bit of urban battlefield terrain. Quick, easy, effective. Hope you like it!
Showcase: Salamanders Land Raider
Hey guys, I know it’s been a while since my last post on here. Reason for this was basically bad project management. At some point I suddenly had five different things on my desk but didn’t really progress sufficiently on any of those. This kind...
WIP: Salamanders Land Raider Redeemer
Hey there, aside from painting Dreadfleet, some Imperial Guard for Epic and trying to get some of my own stuff done I’m working on Salamanders (as you may have read in the blog post from a few days ago). So I thought I’d post some...
Review: Dreadfleet (Part 2 – Cleaning, Assembly)
Welcome to the second part of my review of Dreadfleet. In this part I will focus on getting the parts off the sprues and assembling the models. A general piece of advice that helped me a lot: Do not stick the ships together before gluing...
Showcase: Salamanders Razorbacks, Salamanders Dreadnoughts, Vulkan He’Stan, Librarian, Casualty
Alright, here’s pictures of some finished stuff of a commission job I’ve been working on for the past two weeks (amongst other things of course). Razorbacks, Forgefather Vulkan He’Stan, a wounded Space Marine, a Dreadnought with different weapon loadouts, Forgeworld Ashmantle Dreadnought (he’s got another...
Review: Dreadfleet (Part 1 – What’s in the box?)
Hey guys! For my first article or series of articles on Tale of Painters I will talk about Dreadfleet. I don’t think that Dreadfleet needs much of an introduction. For the past months, the internet has been bristling with rumours and previews of the new...
Hello world! – Sigur’s Introduction
Welcome to Tale of Painters! I’m Sigur, located in Austria, and one of the guys who will post their pictures, thoughts, opinions, reviews, tutorials and all the other content that make this site. What I will post mostly on the Tale of Painters is what...
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