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Hey all. I’ve been extremely busy the last few weeks painting a huge Ogre army commission for a client. And in all its moving along at a solid pace and its been a lot fun too. Sometimes when I get commission work for larger than large army’s it can be a little daunting. But this one is not that bad. Above I have a group of 3 Forge World Rhinox riders. I still need to finish the riders and parts of the Rhinox’s. I have been painting them primarily using Vallejo model air both with the airbrush and by regular brush. If anyone wants to know any of the colours I used, feel free to ask.

Also if anyone is interested whilst exploring London I found a fantastic gaming shop called Dark Sphere in Waterloo. I would strongly suggest if you get a chance to visit this store as you will find all sorts of cool things from models to paints. They have a huge stock Vallejo model air and fantasy paints, along with P3 paints. And the pricing is very reasonable as well.