40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ultramarines Primaris Intercessor

I’ve been so rubbish with this project. It’s been such a slow burn army. I mean really slow! I’ve had the Dark Imperium set for nearly a year and I’ve only painted five models from the boxed game! You can see a couple more angles…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ultramarines Tactical Squad I

I didn’t post that much for the last couple of weeks, but this doesn’t mean that I haven’t spent time on working on some models. Today I can present you some more Ultramarines: another reworked Tactical Squad. Check out more pictures after the jump. This…

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WIP: Imperial Knight Legio Custodes

Hi all! Some time ago I posted a first WIP of my Imperial Knight for the Legio Custodes (only the  lower half with the legs). Now that there are the new Custodes models out I found the time and motivation to continue working on this…

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WIP: Aeldari Harlequins #5

Leapin’ and bouncin’ towards the finishing line! Mr.Blue has been added, I also made some bases (befitting the Armageddon setting) AND painted the weapons now. The next update will be the Showcase. Until then I have to add additional pouches and grenades, neaten up some…

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WIP: Ultramarines Tactical Squad #2

Update on my reworked Tactical Squad. The first five models are complete. The most left and right models are repaints, while the other three models are new additions. I really didn’t enjoy assembling and painting the model in MkV “Heresy” armour. The FW resin sculpt…

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WIP: Aeldari Harlequins #4

News from the Harlequins: Mr. Green entered the scene! Another specialist/leader, and thus gets a ‘spade’ sign on his coat. The troupe is slowly shaping up. Hope you like them so far!

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WIP: Tyranid Tyrannofex and Tervigon

Hey all, hope all is well. Today I wanted to share a couple of WIP’s of a Tyranid Tyrannofex and Tervigon. The bodies in the photo’s are finished and the two models are part of large army that I’m painting in which the owner wanted…

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WIP: Aeldari Harlequins #3

…and another WIP! This time a little more work on Mr.Yellow in the far right was done and Mr.Red was added. In terms of the game the figures with long coats represent specialists and the leader, so they get a bit of extra attention. Mr….

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WIP: Aeldari Harlequins #2

It’s another WIP shot of the first few Harlequins! The first one’s pretty much as seen before, the purple one got a bunch more colours than just purple (and a snazzy ‘clubs’ symbol on the back of his coat) and Mr.Yellow was added as well….

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