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Hi All! Just finished painting a commission for Space Hulk Tyranids. They are
painted in a black and white colour scheme with a bit of colour added by
the help of Ultramarine helmets.
Those models are super good
looking, the poses are great and the bases are very scenic. The only
downfall is a lack of detail on the helmets and some other areas of the
models, which makes painting trickier and I was forced to create detail
by freehand. So it definitely took longer to paint those as suppose to
usual genestealers. What do you guys think?
ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
Can you please do a painting tutorial to get this black and white colour scheme? this is an incredible colour scheme
Nice job guys! Btw could you do a tutorial on how to paint this?
Nice choice of colors, me like a lot =)
Very nice! I'm waiting for a tutorial for your Nid's since the first time i saw them 🙂
Great Job. It would be nice if you make some tutorial "how to paint" on youtube for this 🙂