40k, Showcase

Showcase: Dark Eldar Wracks

Over 6 weeks in the making, today I can finally present you my finished unit of Wracks. A never-ending story finds it conclusion. Check out all the pictures after the jump.   First things first, a thank you for bearing with me while painting these….

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Khorne Daemons Characters by Uruk

Hey guys, Uruk is back! Today I’m going to show you two characters which are the newest additions to my Khorne daemon cohort.   Firstly, here’s my converted Herald on Juggernaut. I’ve always loved Khorne Juggernauts design, there’s just something about their aesthetic that hits…

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WIP: Dark Eldar Wracks #6

Long time no update for these guys, and they are still not done yet, I’m afraid. Still need to work on the green areas, the skin and various details. To my excuse, I spent a few days in the UK and visited the renovated Warhammer…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Tau XV8 Crisis Battlesuit Team

Hey all, today is the last day I will be showing Tau models for a while and with that I have some Tau Crisis Battlesuits. In the next few posts I will be putting up something different for a bit of a change and then…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Tau Riptides

Howdy all, today I am showing all the Riptides that I have finished for a large WW2 German winter scheme Tau army commission. It was a lot of work as the entire army must be about 7/8K points. It’s a lot of models and by…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Tau Riptide with 3D Printer parts

Hey all, today I thought I’d show another Tau Riptide that I have been working on as part of a large Tau army commission. The model has extra 3D printed parts added to it. The link for the 3D parts is https://www.shapeways.com/product/RLFUFM4EB/tau-mech-3d-designed-conversion-components?optionId=60430641&key=2fef9b4775477dab5ce2be5910f218c4&li=shop-inventory . I painted…

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WIP: Dark Eldar Wracks #5

Still painting Wracks. The second batch is finished, and I started working on the third and final one. Which thankfully consists of only two models this time, including the Acolyte. The Acolyte was armed with a Hexrifle, to add some firepower to the squad. I’ll…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Imperial Knight Renegade #2

Hey guys. Today I thought I’d show the second Imperial Knight Renegade that I painted from the “Imperial Knight: Renegade” set. I painted him in a similar scheme as the first Knight that I worked on but equipped him out differently. I also used Forge…

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