Chat: Finding my feet with Contrast
Full disclosure, Games Workshop sent me the full range of Contrast paints free of charge. This isn’t a paid for promotion and these are my own opinions. Firstly I’m a Citadel Colour user. I’ve done the switch to other manufacturers and switched back when Games…
Chat: My Conquest is Over.
This time last week I was committed to buying and painting every issue of Warhammer 40,000 Conquest. Then I had a small break painting Stormcast and now I want to quit the monthly magazine subscription. I go into detail as to why after the jump….
Chat: Introducing Tale of Tuesdays
We all love “Tale of Four Warlords” (previously Tale of Four Gamers) in White Dwarf. It was the inspiration for Stahly naming this blog. Well, it’s about time we actively participated in our namesake and launch Tale of Tuesdays. And best of all: You can…
Chat: Conquest Issues 31 to 34
This is a bit of a landmark blog post. This is my 50th blog post talking about the Conquest Publication. After the jump, I bring you up to speed and share some photos. That’s quite some milestone and we’re only up to issue 34. If…
Event Report: Tabletop Knights Gaming Day 2019
Saturday, April 13th saw the 2019 instalment of Tabletop Knights’ Games Day! And I was there to tell the tale… I’d already attended last year and was really happy to be invited back. It means quite a drive, but it’s a really cool event with…
Chat: Conquest Issues: 23 – 26
Emerging from the smoke, It’s time for my monthly Conquest recap where I share with you guys how I got on, what I enjoyed and what I’m looking forward to next month. Check it out after the jump. Do you like the first picture? I’ve…
Chat: Garfy’s Death Guard Paint Secret
You might have read my Deathguard Tutorial, you may have even followed it but there is something I forgot to mention. After the jump I finally share the secret… or maybe that should read secretion. In true devotion to Grandfather Nurgle I offer gifts up…
Tale of Painters on Twitter
Did you know some of our painters have a twitter account? Get social and follow Garfy, Stahly and SpaceShrimp for the latest hobby related tweets and retweets. If you don’t have twitter, why not heading over to facebook and like our page to get the latest…
Chat: Conquest Issues 19 – 22
It’s the end of the month and you’re here to check to see if I’ve failed to complete painting my models from the monthly subscription to Conquest! Just looking at the picture above should be answer enough, but yes, yes I have completed everything before…
Review: Garfy’s Get a Grip Range FAQ
This isn’t a review because I’m writing it myself about my own product. It’s more an informative post that I can use to link people who ask me questions about the Garfy’s Get a Grip range. So if you want to find out why thousands…