Showcase: 2000pt Orc Army
Remember this? It’s my winning Armies on Parade army, yep you guessed it. Just like my Night Goblins I’ve listed this army on eBay as well. More quality pictures after the jump. I found it surprisingly easy to list this army despite it winning an…
WIP: Skaven Thanquol and Boneripper
Hey all, following on the heel’s of the Verminlord that I showed a few days ago I bring Thanquol and Boneripper. Apocalypse also seems to be lurking in the background :). The new kit is quite complex for a model that looks quite simple. He…
Showcase: 2000pt Night Goblin Army
I spent most of my Sunday photographing and uploading images to eBay. One of the auctions is my huge Night Goblin Army. Because I had all these brand new photos I thought I’d compile them into a new Showcase thread. More after the jump. Not…
WIP: Skaven Lord Skreech Verminking
Hey all, thought I’d show the early stages of my Verminlord. Out of the five different options that you could make with the model I went with the Verminking. I’m not a Skaven player, so I choose the build as I like the way…
WIP: Dwarfs Longbeards #8
Well I am back from the holidays and getting some work done on the Longbeards. Gehenna’s Gold layered on a Balthasar Gold is what you see here. Up next is the final highlight of Auric Armour Gold and all the batch painting of details on…
Showcase: Maggoth Lord Morbidex Twiceborn
Today I thought I’d show the Maggoth Lord Morbidex Twiceborn that I painted last month. I really liked all the Glottkin models as they had a lot of character to them and looking forward to future End Times releases. At the moment I’m working on…
WIP: Dwarfs Longbeards #7
On occasion I will host group paint nights. We all setup around the table and sling or spray paint until the wee hours of the morning. It is an opportunity for my buddies to use the airbrush or get help with things like color choices…
WIP: Dwarfs Longbeards #6
Over the last couple sessions I went back through the unit with Abaddon Black to clean up any dry brushing that got onto the beards or grips of the weapons. Then, just as I did for the for the Hammerers, I split the unit up…
WIP: Dwarfs Longbeards #5
Took me another two days of intermittent hobby time to do a very controlled dry brush of Ironbreaker on the lads. After the wash and this step the details are really starting to show. I think I will wait to do the final Runefang Steel…
WIP: Dwarfs Longbeards #4
This evening I got a wash over the base coat of Leadbelcher on the Shieldbeards. I used the Drákenhof Nightshade thinned with Lahmian Medium 50/50. It gives the metal a nice blue steel look but of course will need to be highlighted now. … come…
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