WIP: Garfy’s Orc Armies on Parade Board #5
I’m using Balsa wood to clad my Gorktress Walls to make it look like a timber structure. Orcs aren’t known for their neatness so odd sized, mis-matched pieces are perfect. Read on to see how I added texture to the Balsa Wood. Balsa Wood doesn’t…
WIP: Garfy’s Orc Armies on Parade Board #4
The basic shape of the Gorktress has been made from foamcore. Read on to find out how I constructed it. I built the two towers first (wait, wrong game system). Then I cut slots into the side of both towers to slide the front walls…
WIP: Garfy’s Orc Armies on Parade Board #3
In this instalment I cut and glue the foamcore boards. Read on to find out how I solved the issue of warping. With the holes cut, I used masking tape to cover the exposed edges. You can’t spray undercoat onto exposed foam. There is something…
WIP: Garfy’s Orc Armies on Parade Board #2
With the concept decided on, it’s time for the all important “dry fit”. Will the army actually fit on the board and where will I actually position the models. I’ve cut the boards to size and added some small raised areas. I’ve also constructed a…
WIP: Garfy’s Orc Armies on Parade board #1
I’ve decided to enter Armies on Parade this year. This year, it’s only a store level competition. There is no judging final at Games Day (or Warhammer Fest as it’s now known). Judging for Armies on Parade will be held on 25th October. So I…
WIP: Skaven Warlord on Rat Ogre Bone Breaker
Spent some quality hobby time over the weekend getting this guy assembled and base coated. Using a Rat Ogre from the Island of Blood and a Stormvermin kit. The blade is just a piece of styrene and the reins are green stuff. He is looking…
Showcase: Nagash Supreme Lord of the Undead
Today I’m showing the new Nagash model that I painted last week. The model is huge and I like it a lot as with all the new undead models that have been coming out. I tried to go with a darker to reflect the art…
Showcase: Dwarven Adventurer
Some night recently I felt a certain lack of steam behind my commission painting efforts and spotted an acquisition I had made with Hasslefree miniatures a few months ago so I took a little break and decided to paint this “random” figure. I have no…
Showcase: (Another) Night Goblin Boss on “Flying Carpet”
That’s right, I now have two Boss models I can play with the Arabyan Carpet. Faithful followers of ToP will remember the first one but I must confess that I love this guy so much more. The goofy oversized features of the old Hopper rider matches…
WIP: (Another) Night Goblin Boss on “Flying Carpet” #2
Been making some good progress on this guy. Since my last post I added a few more bits to him, primed him and slopped some paint on the little bugger. I gave him a looted Dwarf helm and Skaven shield to help look a bit…