Showcase: The Glottkin
Hey all, today I bring the new Glottkin model that I finished earlier this week. The model took a lot longer to complete than I initially expected. It really was a mammoth task from sealing in the cracks to the amount of paint it used…
WIP: Dwarfs Longbeards #2
Well after finishing up the shield scraping I was ready to prime these guys up and get some paint on them. Because the faces are so recessed I knew I would need to start with skin first. Always better to start on the deep areas…
WIP: Deathknell Watch
I won a Deathknell Watch kit in a charity raffle at a recent tournament and started that up. I wanted to try the brown stone look that the studio used on the packaging. Pretty pleased with it so far. Fingers crossed I don’t mess it…
WIP: Warriors of Chaos Glottkin
Hey all 🙂 Today I’m showing the Glottkin model that I picked up on the weekend. He sure is a big one as you can see from the scale comparison next to a Forge World Great Unclean One. You will have to forgive me for…
Showcase: Warriors of Chaos Orghotts Daemonspew
Happy Halloween all 🙂 On the night of all things gruesome and ghoulish I bring you the new Nurgle Maggoth Lord Orghotts Daemonspew. The Maggoth Lord model gives you the option of making one of the three new Lords. My favorites are Orghotts and Morbidex…
WIP: Dwarf Longbeards #1
It is funny to be put in the situation where you feel a model has too much detail. So much in fact that you don’t have room for your own creative additions like freehand details. I really felt this with the Hammerers so now as…
Showcase: Warriors of Chaos Putrid Blightkings & Gutrot Spume
Hey All! Quick video showing the new Putrid Blightkings & Gutrot Spume with photos below. Happy Halloween! 😛
Showcase: Garfy’s Orc Armies on Parade Board
As promised, I’m pleased to premiere my Armies on Parade showcase video. This is my first video that I’ve made for the blog. I hope you like it, if you do like it, let me know. It might lead to more in the future. The…
WIP: Garfy’s Orc Armies on Parade Board #13
Tomorrow is deadline day and I’m adding details to my Orctress. Shields, banners, weapons and lots more which you can see after the jump. Little extras I plan to add include a tiny squig pen, an outhouse (toilet), shields along the ramparts, ladders (so the…
WIP: Garfy’s Orc Armies on Parade Board #12
I’m so pleased I didn’t have to buy paint for this project. I also had plenty of spare flock so I didn’t have to buy that either. So far this project has cost me nearly £70. The paint and flock would have pushed it closer…