40k, Showcase

Showcase: Completed Grey Knight Purgation Squad

Regular followers of the blog would have seen the WIP around a week ago, well I finished my Grey Knight Purgation squad yesterday. I don’t normally spend this long (23 days) painting 5 models, but I was working on these in-between the Thunderhawk, which is...

W40K Boba Fett Conversion

I made this model in August as a bit of a fun project. I know this is a GW only blog, but technically I can share this with you guys because it’s made out of 40k parts and is 40k scale. I used Catchan Commander...

Showcase: Halloween 2011 Diorama

Hey fellas, I decided that the Halloween Diorama for this year is finished now. I will probably toy around with the shading a bit more but it’s mostly finished. Hope you like it. 🙂