Here he is, my kitbashed Blood Angels Captain in all his glory (and artificer armour). Check out more pictures – and find out more about my next project – after the jump.
This model represents Donatos Aphael, Captain of the Blood Angels 2nd Company and Master of the Watch. Can you spot all the bits I used for this model? There are parts from the Blood Angels Tactical and Terminator Squad, the Death Company kit, the Space Marine Captain sprue, and the Vanguard Veterans.
I added the yellow-striped insignia of the 2nd Company to the right shoulder guard, as I felt that the yellow compliments the helmets of my Assault Squad nicely.
With the Captain done, this will actually be the last Blood Angels model you’ll see from me for a while. I would love to add an Mk4 Tactical Squad with those BA upgrade parts from Forge World along with a Deimos Rhino at some point, but I’ll wait until we’ll see a plastic Deimos kit. Or a squad of Sanguinary Guard. For now, I’ll stick to other projects though. I want to expand my small Blood Angels collection into a larger, rag-tag Imperial army with Skitarii, Imperial Guard and an Imperial Knight. I guess I’ll start with a Knight, so stay tuned.
How do you like my kitbashed Captain? Tell me in the comments!
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Woot – I haven't subscribed to white dwarf since the late 90s and finally got around to renewing. Aphael (and a bunch of others) just turned up in a big spread of feb white dwarf covering Stahly. Excellent wrap dude. Seems I rejoined at the right time 🙂
Great bash. I tend to do the same when making a HQ model because I have zero conversion experience. Curious how do you script? I use a micropen.
I just use a small brush and mix black with a little bit of VGC Black Ink to increase the flow.
Initially thought it was over done, but now I think it looks good. Was the writing done with paint or a fine pen?
I think you can't overbling Blood Angels models 😉 Writing was done with paint. Cheers.
Ive almost finished an Astra Militarium Wyvern that needs some writing on small banners on the sides. Any tips, please?
I like to thin down my black paint with a little bit of Vallejo Game Colour Black Ink. This way, the paint flows easier from the brush while still maintaining a decent coverage.
He's missing the Iron Halo! Every Captain comes with it by default. Paintjob is wonderful as usual and the kitbashing looks seamless! Even though I prefered the other head. Great job.
I hope the golden halo on his helmet counts 😉
Great job as usual! Maybe that can be a VLOG in the future? How you achieve those fantastic highlights. I'm of course hoping there is a trick to it and not just skill 😛
That cape. It's stunning!
This is awesome. The red and highlights are particularly striking.
Really like this a lot Stahly. Looks awesome and really nice clean paint job =)