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Hey guys, today I thought I’d finally show the finished Death Guard Tactical Marines that I have been working on.
Hopefully this time the photos are a little better since I have fixed my photo lamp. I’m kind of pleased that I have finished these as I now get to move on to painting a Alpha Legion army that I have had my eye on for some time. I’m kind of excited about that. I tried to keep the Death Guards a little weathered, but not to the point that they looked like they had began to follow Nurgle. I wanted to keep those two time lines seperated. But overall I enjoyed painting these guys. What do you think?
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Those are a really nice looking.
Really beautiful work!
I think you style really suits the Death Guard Third Eye. Awesome =D
Looks very cool. What did you use for the brown and reddish stains on the armour?
That would be rust pigment mixed with burnt umber oil paint.
Did you varnish the models afterwards? I found varnishing screws up weathering poweders, I wonder what effect it would have on ones mixed with oil paint.
No, I did not use any varnishes on the models. I did use hair spray for the chipping effect though.