
WIP: Chaos Space Marine Rhino #2

A wip shot today of my Chaos Space Marine Rhino. Four more high resolution pictures after the jump.  I still need to weather the tank, add blood to the spiked ram and paint the gunner, but I wanted to share the tank so far. I’ve…

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WIP: Chaos Space Marine Heldrake from the Black Legion

I’m having an absolute blast painting my Black Legion again. I’m super motivated to paint after completing the 2nd edition project recently . It would seem that painting those classic, same pose models has reminded me just how incredible the latest Citadel Miniatures are. The…

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WIP: Chaos Space Marine Helbrute #2

Firstly, let me wish Stahly a very happy birthday today! Work on the Helbrute is progressing lovely. Anyone having painted one will appreciate the challenge of trying to paint both warp flesh fused with armour and metal. Lots of blending colours together. After the jump…

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