Showcase: Legio Custodes Contemptor Galatus Dreadnought
Hi, all! Here is my Contemptor Galatus Dreadnought for the Legio Custodes. Again, to save some time, I used transfers from Forge World’s excellent transfer sheet. What’s your opinion regarding transfer sheets? Leave a comment below…
Showcase: Legio Custodes Captain Valdor and Command Group
Hi all! Today I would like to present you my Legio Custodes Command Group. The latest addition, the model in the middle, is my rendition of Captain Konstantin Valdor. I wanted him to have a more impressive weapon, and added an additional armour plate at the…
Showcase: Legio Custodes Apothecary
Hi all! Today I present another Custodian Guard from my Custodes Command Group: an Apothecary. I used parts from the Blood Angels Terminator Command Squad. I thought why shouldn’t have Custodes something similar like the Space Marines. What do you think? Leave a comment…
Showcase: Legio Custodes Tribune Ixion Hale
Hey all, this is my finished Legio Custode Tribune Ixion Hale that I picked up from Forge World from Salute 2017. I painted Ixion Hale over a couple of nights as a break between larger projects. He is the first smaller Legio Custodes model that…
Showcase: Legio Custodes Protector
Hi all! Here you can see a Custodes Guard Protector I converted a little bit with spare parts that Ii had left from the Custodes sprue. He belongs to the command group I am working on for my slowly growing Custodes army. What do you think?
Showcase: Legio Custodes Standardbearer
Hi all! Here is a quick look at my standard bearer of the Legio Custodes. I used a standard from Forge World’s MkIII Horus Heresy range, and a head from a Deathwatch Veteran. I also added a transfer from Forge World’s Legio Custodes transfers sheet,…
WIP: Legio Custodes Imperial Knight
Hi all! Sooo, I had an Imperial Knight leftover from the Renegade box set, and thought, why not painting him in the livery of the Legio Custodes. I used some decals from Forge World. Saves some time and I think they look great. I’m sure one…
Showcase: Legio Custodes Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought
Hey all, today I thought I’d show a recently completed Legio Custodes Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought. The model was recently released by Forge World and it was a instant purchase. I painted the Dreadnought using Scalecolor paints. This is the first time I have used them and…
Showcase: Legio Custodes Contemptor Dreadnought Conversion
Hi. all! Next on my paint station I had this Contemptor Dreadnought for the Legio Custodes. I used all sorts of parts that I found in my bitz box, and built this machine for the glory of the Emperor. Maybe you can identify all the pieces…
Showcase: Legio Custodes Guardians Conversion
Hi, all! Today I would like to present you my Legio Custodes Squad “Ares” which I finished recently. I converted them a little bit by using arms from the Cataphractii Terminators. I saw a picture of Cataphractii Terminators of the Legio Custodes, but I thought it…
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