Showcase: Legio Custodes Foot Knight Conversion
Hi all! So here is another Legio Custodes model. It’s a Foot Knight Squad Leader I converted from the Stormcast Eternals Knight Questor from the Silver Tower box set. Arms and head come from the Custodes sprues. The armour piece in the back of the…
Showcase: Legio Custodes Captain Conversion
Hi all, as promised in my recent post, I would like to show you some Legio Custodes models I finished recently. My first model of this year is this customized Custodes Captain. I wanted something unique, so I used the wings of a Stormcast Eternals Prosecutor…
Showcase: Legio Custodes Guard
Hi all, I’m back with a Legio Custodes Guard from the Burning of Prospero box. This Guard is the only one I have (got it separately from a bitz seller), I justed wanted to know what it’s like to paint one of them. Obviously, the…
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