40k, Showcase

Showcase: Dark Angel Primaris Reivers

Tying up loose ends with today’s post. I finished the two Reivers above and I’m sharing them completion’s sake. After the jump the five man group shot and some thoughts on what’s next.  I’m quite happy with how the group look. I have received this…

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WIP: Dark Angel Reivers

I’m still waiting for this month’s Conquest subscription to be delivered so I’ve bought some multipart Reivers to bump up the squad numbers. I don’t have much more to do to these. I need to highlight the black parts, paint the eye lenses, paint the…

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40k, Editorial

Chat: Conquest Issues 15 – 18

It was the first week of September that I received my first few issues of Warhammer Conquest. We’re fast approaching five months and I’ve managed to keep up to date by painting every issue before my next delivery arrives. I’ve truly surprised myself. I thought…

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WIP: Dark Angels Primaris Inceptor

Today I’m sharing a quick WIP of an Inceptor I’m painting. I’m actually batch painting this guy along with 2 Hellblasters and 2 Intercessors, I didn’t show the others because they’re pretty much the same as this guy. It’s a weird batch paint but that…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Dark Angels Primaris Aggressors

My Aggressors took ten days to complete. That’s a third of the month (maths!) Luckily, this month’s four issues of Conquest only has models on the covers of three magazines. So I’m still on target to complete these models before issues 17, 18, 19 and…

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WIP: Dark Angel Primaris Aggressors

Started painting a new unit this week. It’s the Easy to Build Primaris Aggressors. These chunkybois are kitted out in MKX Gravis Armour. To me Gravis Armour is the bastard child of Terminator armour and Centurion armour and I must say I really like it….

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WIP: Dark Angels Intercessors

Remember me adding a Plague Champion model to my 6 Death Guard to get a favoured squad number of 7? Well, I’m doing the same with my Intercessors from Conquest Issue 1.  That issue only came with 3 models so these two I’m working on…

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