Finally I finished them! Hooray! It’s been a longer haul than normal, fitting them in around commissions and the other jobs but I’ve gotten them to a playable state at last. Pics and fluff after the ju….*CLICK*
The assault marines use classic metal original RT jump packs from the
80’s, as do the missile launchers in the dev squad. Little touches like
these make me happy.
The FW release of a contemptor was timely as was
the Deimos rhinos so I had to chuck a few in for looks. There was only
one librarian that looked badass enough to lead a legion of psykers, so
Severin Loth becomes the Character of your choice from the book. I like
to think of him as Arhiman ascendant.
The bases are from Voodooworx and
are painted to represent Tiscan streets, as chronologically I like to
think of these guys as on the cusp of being attacked by those dasterdly
wolves which Sigur keeps churning out…
And of course, in a discipline unique to this legion a classic game of PSYCHIC CHICKEN…
Look out you peple sitting in the front row this is a splash zone…!
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Fantastic army. I'm using yours as inspiration for my own PH Thousand Sons. It'd be great to see you expand this further.
Great Big Bang Theory reference too 😛
Thanks for the comments guys!
Minitrol – plans are for a big grey knights commission, as soon as my undercoat arrives I'll get cracking!
Hot soup – heads are from I think it was a long time ago. They were good enough to send me just the types I wanted, recommended!
Mordian – Bases from Will at voodooworx. A highly rated seller in my book the bases are the best quality I've seen and I've used a few!
Kai – glad you appreciate the fluff! Your questions answered above I hope, let me know if not.
39999 – The OSL is my new technique to perfect. Not quite got it dailed in yet but nearly there. I use the standard dex currently but if they release legions…!
CJ – the other 2 guys are in the second row. Don't ask me why…
Cheers all, more comments welcome.
Grey knights coming soon.
what a sight of perfection! what a great looking army! just a question are there just 3 models with a jump pack?
Anyway be very proud of this army it's truly a sight to behold
That's a pristine looking force. Too bad they'll be corrupted…
I'm particularly fond of the OSL effect in the hand of the librarian. Good stuff.
Do you play them with one of the Space Marine books then?
Fantastic! Very atmospheric and fluffy!
Are those Steam Knights Helmets from Great stuff!
Gorgeous to finally see them all together in one army shot. So, what's up next? ;-p
Those really turned out fantastic – love the color contrast between the bases and the models. Great work!
Where did you get those heads from?
Great to see the finished piece at last Rev.
Any plans percolating away or time to rest the painting muscles for a bit?