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I have this mate. I’ve not known him long but he’s a top bloke. For Christmas he bought me the Stormcast Endless spells. He loves Age of Sigmar and has painted Seraphon and Skaven. Age of Sigmar isn’t even on my radar as I’m knee-deep in Conquest and Shadowspear. After the jump find out why I’ve painted these endless spells. 

I’ve dabbled in Age of Sigmar and have around 1500pt of Stormcast painted. The other day Arcane, (his online name) said to me have you got 2000pt of Stormcast. I said no, not even close. Then I looked at the box of endless spells sat on my desk, still on sprues. That’s 180pts right there. That’s a big chunk towards 2000pts. Then I started thinking how easy they would be to paint with washes and glazes.  

How did I paint them? Well I started with a white undercoat… I know, I know, after the fuss I made with the Apothecary recently, but white was key to this. The other key was about a bucket’s worth of Lahmian medium. I used the medium to create glazes of Fenrisian Grey, Teclis Blue and Macragge Blue and covered the meteor and tornado blending the colours together. Then I used Nuln Oil to make some of the blue darker. Once dry I used Guilliman’s Glaze over the top of all the blues. You’ll notice on the tornado I’ve given it a celestial effect with stars. That’s just using an old toothbrush and white paint to flick paint. Works great.

Then it was just a case of painting the metals and golds. They’re quick and rough but I like them for that. I didn’t want to spend a week or more carefully blending the swirls. They’re definitely tabletop ready, which brings me back to Arcane asking about the number of points I have.

With the spells added to my painted army, I was still short on the 2000pt target, then I remember I had the Warhammer Underworlds Warband: The Farstriders under my desk. Just three models  to paint and gives me another 100pts closer to the goal. Quickly totalling everything up with the awesome Azyr Army builder app from Games Workshop saw me hit 1900pts. Quick search on eBay and £7 later and I have a Celestra Ballista ordered another 3 models and another 100pts. 

It would seem I wasn’t content trying to keep up with monthly Warhammer 40k Conquest releases and working my way through Shadowspear, a big box game featuring units to expand my Conquest Dark Angels and Deathguard with, no, it would seem I’ve stretched myself further with the additional challenge of getting 2000pts of Stormcast painted so I can play a game with Arcane. Oh yeah, that’s what all this is about. I’m actually going to be playing a game of Warhammer Age of Sigmar

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Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay