
Showcase: Dark Angel Lieutenant Calsius

Having chosen Dark Angels for the models from the UK publication Conquest I had to think up a way to change the Ultramarine specific Calsius to one of favoured son of the Lion. Check out after the jump how I did this and to see…

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Showcase: Dark Angel Primaris Reivers

Conquest work continues with the completion of Issue 3. My first time painting Reivers and I really enjoyed it. More pics after the jump.  The sculpts of these ‘easy to assemble’ models are actually really dynamic. I think the sculptors have done a great job…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Dark Angel Redemptor Dreadnought

  Regular readers following my progress with the Conquest publication might be surprised to see this Dreadnought. No, I haven’t had the Dreadnought issues early, it’s just a standard Easy to Assemble Redemptor Dreadnought I had on my to do pile. Whilst waiting for issues…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Space Marine Heroes Brother Gaiun

Stahly is a bloody nice bloke! He sent me this Blind Box Space Marine Hero as a Christmas present. (read about them here in his review). I’ve had an itch to paint a Dark Angel for a while. I think they might be my favourite…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Dark Angel Assault Marines

Is there any better feeling than putting in some extra effort during the week and finishing a project on time? I’m so happy to finish these five models. The sergeant has really exceeded my expectations. I really like how his blade has came out. I’m…

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WIP: Dark Angels Assault Marines #3

Making great progress this week. I really want these finished so I’m spending an hour or two an evening and just working through my own Dark Angel tutorial making sure I complete a couple of steps at a time. Not sure wether or not to paint…

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