With the first wave of Gretchin out of the way, now it’s the turn of the Orks to march to war. Well, it’s more squatting and shuffling then walking. Check out which classic foe they’re battling and news about their tutorial after the jump.
Choppas vs rending claws! Classic Genestealers in a retro colour scheme going claw to toe with the Ork Boyz. I painted the Ork Boyz in classic colours but in a modern way. A nice rust effect was achieved with stippling. Red glaze was used to colour the lower lip and eyes. I also applied Tamiya Clear Red and Nuln Oil for blood effects. Seven down, thirteen to go.
A tutorial for this Ork scheme will be going live very, very soon. So keep checking back.
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Yeah, those Tyranid Attack minis look great, too! My Termis aren't that old… I think they are from the "Space Hulk" boxed game. They look basically the same as the metal Terminators from the 2nd Edition Codex… only multi-part plastic. I think the game came with the 3 squads of Termis, and then a bunch of Genestealers…
I think it's great that you're taking all of these old boxed games and painting up all the miniatures to make a completely painted game. I always wanted to do that with Warhammer Quest, but never got a copy of the game befor they discontinued it. Now it's pretty much cost-prohibitive…
Well I can't wait to see your Termies. I think I know the ones you speak of. I had that 2nd edition Space Hulk when it came out. Amazing game.
I also painted up the whole Warhammer Quest box set. I sold it a couple of years ago. I only have old photos on my photobucket account if you're interested mate.
Lol! These look great! This is a blast from the past, Garfy! I love seeing you paint all of these up. By the way, I'm making good progress on my Space Marines. I'll get some good pix taken of them once I'm finished.
Also, wanted to let you know I did the same thing for those plastic Space Hulk Terminators… remember those from about the same time-frame? I have the 3 squads of them. Some of them are broken apart in various pieces, etc. and partially painted. So, awhile back I got one of the squads together, bought the 40MM round bases, and did an urban rubble theme. So I took one of the squads and repaired everything and then painted them up to White Dwarf quality. (Yes, I know I need to put my money where my mouth is and show you pix! I'll get home tonight and find your FaceBook group and friend you. Once I get the pix, I'll send you a link.)
After I get the marines done, I'm going to go back and finish up the other two Space Hulk Terminator squads and them post them all on Cool Mini or Not. I'm a big fan of the 2nd Edition Codex paint jobs. I love those old-skool minis…
I'm a big fan of the retro, classic models. Did you see my Tyranid Attack post? It featured those classic one piece termies.
If you haven't seen it, you'll love it.
So you ended up with checks on the ultras but not the goffs? 😉
Anyway these are really well done, I was going to ask about that great woodgrain on the axes but I see you're planning a tutorial… looking forward to it!
I can really see why you're struggling with these.
I had nothing but praise for what you achieved on the grots making them go from seemingly poor single pose models to something I would proudly field or display if they we're mine.
These on the other hand despite a first class paintjob (and it realy is first class), are just dull, the sculpt just lacks any soul or character and the poor pose just seems to emphasise that they are single pose models.
Keep up the good work though and it'll be great to see the whole boxset painted up alongside the metal dread. Good luck facing down the remaining Orks.
Hi Garfy,
Great stuff as usual… but where are the checks???
I was waiting for someone to ask… You know I was planning on painting nice neat checks on the shoulder pads, but the idea of a nice neat paint job on rusted metal didn't work in my head. That would leave the edge of the loin cloth as the only place I can fit checks in and in the end I decided against it. I may have a change of heart and add them in but at the moment it's a no.
I really love this series. It reminds me of my early adolescence so much….real nostalgia. I bought this set when I was 14 and got hooked into mini-wargaming. It's crazy to think that was 20 years ago and I still get the same kind of excited whenever I see a new model come out.
Well done! You made a really old and uninspiring model look great.
Thanks, you're right about the unspiring part. I'm really struggling to paint these. I'm going to break up the other batches with different projects inbetween.