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With the first wave of Gretchin out of the way, now it’s the turn of the Orks to march to war. Well, it’s more squatting and shuffling then walking. Check out which classic foe they’re battling and news about their tutorial after the jump.

Choppas vs rending claws! Classic Genestealers in a retro colour scheme going claw to toe with the Ork Boyz. I painted the Ork Boyz in classic colours but in a modern way. A nice rust effect was achieved with stippling. Red glaze was used to colour the lower lip and eyes. I also applied Tamiya Clear Red and Nuln Oil for blood effects. Seven down, thirteen to go.

A tutorial for this Ork scheme will be going live very, very soon. So keep checking back.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay