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Regular readers following my progress with the Conquest publication might be surprised to see this Dreadnought. No, I haven’t had the Dreadnought issues early, it’s just a standard Easy to Assemble Redemptor Dreadnought I had on my to do pile. Whilst waiting for issues 3, 4, 5 and 6 to be delivered I had some spare time and decided to reinforce my Dark Angels. More pics after the jump. 

I painted the whole Dreadnought by hand. I didn’t use my airbrush, so I’m quite happy with the blending. I just upscaled my Dark Angel tutorial.

Ooops, I’ve missed the highlights on the exhaust stack armour. Does anyone else do that?

I kept the weathering quite basic. Sponged on some metal chipping and then used a weather powder around the feet. I’m also really happy with how the freehand icons came out. If I was to add heavier weathering, I’d probably sponge some green over the icons, but I quite lie them looking clean. After all the Primaris are brand new. 

Check back soon, when I return with more progress on my Warhammer Conquest models. 

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay