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I love these old Turkey Warriors. In 1994 aged 13 I jumped on a train after school to buy a box of these. I remember the box, it was purple with some yellow and photograph of 3 warriors on the front. You always stick (or revisit) your first love in your hobby, and it was love at first sight for the bugs and I. What was your first love, tell me in the comments below.
Having one these on eBay and they were painted pretty badly I showed you guys how I strip paint from models really quickly. Then recently I shared a tutorial on how I paint my Tyranids with the new Citadel paints. With this in mind it would be rude not to paint these cool Warrior models!
Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
Daaamn! These bring back memories. I used to play doubles with a Space Wolf buddy of mine against an unholy Tyranid and Ork alliance, Second Edition style. Between his Wolf Guard and my Deathwing, we pumped so much Cyclone blast markers into the opposing force the approaching enemy line resembled Swiss cheese… and for some reason, Warriors were fortunate, ahem, enough, to go down first. Good times, good times indeed… 😀
@ Jason Gross. These are the same ones I stripped. I have 6 more of these models from the Tyranid Attack box game.
God-Emperor, I *love* these old tyranid warriors! While the casting is of course outdated, the design is plain awesome! Can it get more alien than that?
I was 15 and it was the second gen, metal space marine land speeder. I still have the original box and am about to strip the model for a raptors army I have planned.
I have a warm place in my heart for these turkey gizzard Tyranids too. I was 15 when they came out, and so they still seem to be more menacing to me than the new 'Nid models. Which is silly, since the new ones are incredible and frightening (i.e. the Trygon).
Your paint scheme is reminiscent of the first appearance of the tyranids with a little of the 3rd edition look in there too. I like it.
I'm looking forward to what these bad-boys will look like painted up and next to your newer models. Are these the same 'nids that you stripped in January?
I always wanted some of these but could never afford them only being about 12 when they came out, great old models.
Hah, still got 6 of them in old Advanced Space Crusade box:)
Ah, fantastic. I love these old guys, I have a bunch tucked away in a box in the man cave. I'll be watching the painting posts with great interest.