Do you like bright colourful frisbees of death? Then today you’re in for a treat as I explain what parts I used for my Disciples of Tzeentch Fluxmaster and a painting guide in the form of a free recipe card. Read on to find out more.

Before we get into the details, can we just take a moment to appreciate this photograph I took. It’s actually 4 photos all stitched together, it’s this kind of trickery that the Changer of Ways approves of. Coming up with the composition was interesting. The first thing I knew is I wanted multiple colours flooding and lighting the scene, with this in mind I could think about how to achieve that and I thought Realm Gate portals would be fun. Then I had the inspiration to use Warhammer Underworlds’ Beast Grave terrain tiles upended on to their sides and protruding through the gates. Then I filled the scene with as many buildings as I good. I love the idea that the Fluxmaster with his book open has a choice of two doorways. It’s a true ‘choose your own adventure book’, Fluxmaster on Firetop Mountain maybe.

This Herald on Disc of Tzeentch is the start of my new Warcry warband. He’s the perfect leader with good speed and the ability to lob spells at the enemy.
My Fluxmaster is a small kit bash. It’s the Herald from the Burning Chariot set and a Disc from the Tzaangor Enlightened set. The herald comes with a huge choice of parts including 3 heads so I didn’t have to stray from that kit to get the load out of staff and book that I wanted. Games Workshop do sell a dedicated Fluxmaster but he’s an online exclusive now and made of resin so he was an easy pass for me.

I’ve been planning this herald for a while and using other models to test paint recipes. The pink is from tests I did on the poison frogs I painted for my Chameleon Skinks. The cloth and armour are from schemes I devised on my Jade Obelisk warband and the blue book recipe was worked out when I painted the Jade Obelisk’s familiar, the Idolarc. Seeing it all come together on this one model is a joy for me. The Fluxmaster paint recipe is now the blueprint for the Pink Horrors, Blue Horrors and all the other Daemons of Tzeentch. I feel like the project is a little easier now that I have that all worked out and I’m looking forward to painting some Flamers of Tzeentch soon.
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