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Hey guy’s, today I thought I’d show the new Deathwatch Corvus Blackstar that I recently finished.

I really like this model as it has a menacing feel to it as a lot of the new Deathwatch models do. As the summer draws to an end I really feel like I have done a ton of work this year. It’s crazy as I have almost lost count on how many armies I have painted for others. But sadly for myself none. I have really had no time. Which is a little sad as I painted a whole Necron one for myself last year. Anyway over the last few weeks I finally read the Age of Sigmur rules and picked up the Generals Handbook. Strange thing was that I spent those several weeks thinking what army would I field. My choices I had are Skaven, Orcs and Chaos. Finally I picked up the Chaos book and went with Nurgle. So hopefully in the next week I will pick up a new army and work on it in my very little free time. What do you guys think of the new Deathwatch models?